How the Demo and SalvageProcess Works
E.T. Moore reclaims a slice of our American past by repurposing beautiful old heartwood into something new.
As mills and factories from the Industrial Era start to crumble and fall, E.T. Moore steps in and salvages their beautiful heartwood. This is the story of how that process happens.
The History
In the early days of America, North Carolina and the surrounding areas were home to vast groves of old-growth longleaf pine forests. The trees were used to manufacture pitch, tar, and turpentine used in the construction and maintenance of ships.
The original colonists sought out the heartwood of Longleaf Pine trees to build the paneling, interior trim, and stair treads of their new homes. The unprecedented strength, rot resistance, and durability of heart pine made it the wood of choice for many generations.
During the Industrial Era, countless mills and factories used tremendous amounts of heart pine for their building materials. The “heart” of the wood has unparalleled beauty, durability and can take anywhere from 150 to 400 years to grow.
Over 200 years of constant demand have caused the seemingly endless Longleaf Pine old-growth timber forests to dwindle. While many harvesters did replant, the current trees are only about 100 years old—and immature.
Today, if you want to experience the warm vintage patina and rugged durability of Longleaf Pine heartwood, it comes in the form of carefully selected, salvaged, and milled pieces of reclaimed wood from E.T. Moore.

Reclaiming a Piece of our History

Reclaiming Our Past
Over the past 56 years, E.T. Moore has established itself as the industry leader of high-quality, vintage heart pine and reclaimed wood products. We travel the Eastern Seaboard and the South to find Industrial Era factories and mills that have reached the end of their useful lifespan and are now scheduled for demolition.
We work closely with contractors at the demolition site to carefully dismantle the old buildings and salvage the beautiful floorboards, sturdy beams, and other wooden components. We then select the best pieces of heartwood to start the restoration process.

Beautiful Heart Wood for a New Generation to Enjoy
A New Beginning
After carefully completing the demolition process, we send a fleet of trucks to load up the reclaimed wood. We then take it back to our warehouse for processing, re-milling, and safe storage until it’s ready to start its new life in your home or project.
See what customers from all over the world are building with E.T. Moore's antique wood.