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What's the Cost of Reclaimed Wood Beams?

Heart pine reclaimed wood flooring

Reclaimed beams are a popular choice in both new builds and renovations, bringing unique textures and a sense of history into almost any space. Reclaimed beams typically cost more than similar new-growth woods. Is the extra expense worth it?

Beam for the Buck: Pricing Reclaimed Wood Beams

Choosing reclaimed wood for your project can be both a practical and aesthetic decision. Exposed reclaimed wood brings a beautiful “story” of its own to any interior but typically comes with a mark-up over new-growth wood or other structural materials.

Keep reading to discover the cost of reclaimed wood beams, the factors that go into pricing, and whether the extra expense adds real value to your project. Read on to learn more about how much your reclaimed wood beams are likely to cost you and why.

What is the Average Cost of Reclaimed Wood Beams?

The cost of reclaimed wood beams varies widely based on the condition of the wood and many other factors. On average, you should expect to pay between $15and $50 per linear foot for standard-sized beams in good condition.

However, large beams in exceptional condition, and especially those from rare and highly desirable species like old-growth East Coast heart pine, can sometimes cost $50 a foot or more. Smaller, non-standard, and less desirable beams might cost as little as $12 per linear foot.

Prices will also typically be higher from established dealers who can guarantee the condition, grading, consistency, and provenance of their stock, while less reputable dealers will charge lower prices to move “odd lots” of wood quickly.

What Affects the Price of Reclaimed Wood Beams?

Now let’s take a closer look at seven of the most important factors that help determine reclaimed wood beam prices. These include:

1. Wood Species

Genuine reclaimed old-growth cypress, spruce, and heart pine are more expensive because the available stock of wood from these vanished eastern seaboard forests is finite. These woods are prized not only for their beauty but unique strength, stability, and durability. When treated well, they simply get better with age.

2. Quality and Condition

The scarcity of high-quality reclaimed wood also means beams in good condition with minimal damage or decay are highly prized and therefore priced higher. When buying wood, it’s best to trust a reputable dealer to guarantee the wood you get is of the promised quality.

3. Size and Dimensions

Large beams hewn from the largest old-growth trees became increasingly hard to find as the original temperate forests were worked out. Second-growth trees and commercially grown timber are not big enough to provide similar-sized beams hewn from a single tree.

If your project demands the unmatched strength of original, old-growth trees, you’ll pay more the greater the length, width, and thickness of the beam you require.

4. Finishing and Processing

You will also pay more for reclaimed wood that has been professionally reclaimed, cleaned, kiln-dried, and stored responsibly. Although it is possible to source limited amounts of wood from untested suppliers, buying from a reputable company ensures your wood has been thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and dried to prevent warping, cracking, or splintering.

5. Grading

An underappreciated aspect of reclaimed wood pricing is the value of professional grading. Put simply, this means the entire lot of wood you purchase matches the samples you are shown.

More specifically, professional wood grading ensures that all the wood in your lot is of similar size and quality and has the same number of worked surfaces. Choosing properly graded wood prevents you from being caught short by inconsistent sizing or milling halfway through an installation.

6. Market Factors and Demand

Reclaimed wood is a limited resource and the market responds to fluctuations in demand by raising and lowering average prices. Beam prices also reflect the overall demand generated by building activity and the state of the wider economy.

While reclaimed wood is widely considered a “timeless” product, it’s also subject to changing trends and fashions in design, fashion, and decoration.

7. Transport and Logistics

Bigger beams will always cost more, you’ll also pay for the additional cost and labor involved in moving large pieces. This includes the expense of transporting wood to where it is needed, as well as the cost of hiring cranes or other equipment to get large beams into position.

A Deeper Look at Reclaimed Heart Pine Beams

Now, let’s see how various characteristics of genuine reclaimed East Coast heart pine come together to impact the overall cost of reclaimed wood beams. First, we’ll consider several unique natural qualities that make this type of wood beam particularly desirable.

Natural Qualities

Scarcity: Heart pine comes from the large longleaf pines that once grew throughout the south-eastern U.S. Today, original heart pine beams can only be reclaimed from large disused mills and warehouses from America’s colonial and early industrial period.

Durability: While scarce, the slow-growing heart wood of these trees continued to outperform many modern materials in durability and hardness.

Aesthetics: The fine grain and distinctive pink and golden hues of heart wood are highly prized when exposed in milled or reworked beam work.

Stability: The tight, long grains of heart pine make it remarkably stable, meaning it is naturally resistant to warping or deformation under stress or due to changes in temperature or humidity.

Resistance to decay: Old-growth hardwoods like heart pine have a natural resistance to decay and insect infestations. This is part of the reason these original slow-grown woods are still with us today, and why they continue to be prized as a building material.

Historical significance: A wood prized as a building material by our ancestors, every reclaimed heart pine beam comes with a unique link to the past. That past becomes part of your building when beams are reused, especially if the historical patina is preserved.

Environmental factors: Continuing to use genuine reclaimed heart pine beams in a new building, rather than incorporating modern materials or commercially farmed timber, is considered a sustainable building practice and adds to the value of your project.

Next, let’s consider factors specific to a particular beam or wood beam lot that can have a potentially significant effect on cost.

Beam Characteristics

Size and dimensions: Original reclaimed heart pine beams are hewn from a single piece of old-growth timber. Reclaimed beams are often sawn into smaller flooring boards by unscrupulous operators, making large, long, and wide beams particularly valuable.

Condition: Heart pine is naturally resilient, but beams without signs of deterioration such as rot or past insect infestation, or cracking, splintering, or warping are worth more.

Patina As a genuine antique wood, heart pine continues to “live” through its unique patina acquired over centuries of service in shops, factories, and barns. New-growth wood can be treated to “look” old, but there is no substitute for the real thing.

Provenance: Wood that can be proved to come from a genuine historical building, and especially from one with links to a particular historical building or event is particularly valuable. Experienced reclaimers work hard to establish the source and “chain of custody of woods they source.

Finally, let’s consider some of the practical and logistical factors that can influence the cost of reclaimed heart pine wood beams.

Practical and Logistical Factors

Sourcing: Heart pine is a scarce wood only found in historical buildings dating from the early nineteenth century or early. Only experienced, well-connected suppliers can access significant amounts of high-quality, properly provenanced stock.

Processing: Finding, reclaiming, and processing large, historic reclaimed heart pine beams is expensive and labor intensive. Wood must be removed and transported without damaging it, and then cleaned, dried, graded, and responsibly stored.

Customization: Extra processing of wood beams will always add to the cost, whether this is specialist milling to ensure consistency or expose texture, cutting to the right size for your project, or reworking with historically accurate hand tools by expert craftspeople.

Transport: The difficulty of moving large heart pine beams in the past means many of these beams remain in the U.S. Southeast, where E.T. Moore is based. While we like to see wood reused within its original native range, transporting beams to locations further afield will necessarily add to the cost.

Together, these factors will determine the price you’ll pay per board foot, and overall, for genuine reclaimed wood beams for your project.

Cut Costs or Add Value?

Hand Hewn Heart Pine Ceiling Beams

Genuine, high-quality reclaimed wood beams are of premium quality and will always cost more than new-growth commercial timber, composite beams, and other replacement materials.

It is possible to cut costs by taking a chance on buying inferior quality wood from smaller or less-established vendors, by accepting mixed or inconsistent lots, or by risking damage to your wood by attempting to reclaim, clean, and transport yourself. However, it's important to consider what taking this route can cost you in the long run.

Not only will you be stuck, potentially, with wood that fails to meet your construction or design needs, but you’ll be incorporating in your building an asset that is more likely to fail or require remedial refurbishment over time. Cheap or unprovenanced beams will also struggle to hold and increase their value over time.

If you’re serious about making genuine historical reclaimed wood a part of your project, then it pays to recognize the intrinsic value of this product and to work with an experienced vendor like E.T. Moore, who can offer you well-provided, properly graded wood that meets your needs.

While this means you might pay more upfront for a quality product, this is an investment you or your client will come to appreciate over time as a naturally strong, stable, and beautiful product that increases in value and requires little ongoing maintenance.

As with any major investment, when it comes to genuine antique reclaimed beams, it pays to be able to see the wood for the trees.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Have questions about whether reclaimed wood beams are right for your project? We have answers to some of your most common questions!

How much are old beams worth?

We’ve looked at a lot of the factors that go into valuing reclaimed wood beams. As with anything, good quality beams will cost more but will last long and require less maintenance, while bringing a unique sense of beauty and history to your space.

Is it cheaper to use reclaimed wood?

It depends on the quality of reclaimed wood you choose to use. Some inferior reclaimed wood may be cheaper than modern commercially grown timber, but will not last as long. Higher quality reclaimed wood like heart pine costs more upfront but retains its value almost indefinitely.

Why is it important to use a reputable reclaimed wood supplier

A reputable wood supplier like E.T. Moore has decades of experience in sourcing, grading, and matching reclaimed wood. We’ve built our reputation on being able to find the woods you want and supply the quantities you need, and we stand by every beam and board we sell.

Trust E.T. Moore to Supply Your Reclaimed Wood

If you’re looking for high-quality reclaimed wood beams that will make a statement in any space now and for years to come, then you’ve come to the right place.

E. T. Moore is a recognized specialist in supplying genuine antique hardwood reclaimed beams, including prized East Coast heart pine. We provide an unrivaled selection of treated, graded, and stored beams and other products at our five-acre facility in Richmond, VA, and the ability to source other products through our extensive network of contacts.

Talk to us about your reclaimed wood beam ideas. We can assist with an investment in enduring, high-quality wood that adds value to your property for decades. Contact us today, or click below to learn more about our wood beam products.

View Our Reclaimed Wood Beams

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 20, 2024

How Much Can You Sell Old Barn Wood For?

Heart pine reclaimed wood flooring

We’ve all heard about farmers making good money by selling the wood from disused, often collapsing farm outbuildings, but how much can you really sell old barn wood for?

Here, we uncover the value of old barn wood, including how much you can expect to sell this wood for, to whom, and for how much. We’ll also review some of the factors (and red flags) that go into valuing old barn wood. Read on to learn more.

Lofty Ambitions: How Much Is an Old Barn Worth?

There are few things as picturesque as the weathered facade of a classic American wood barn standing on a grassy hillside. And, if the stories are to be believed, the hard-won, weathered patina of genuine barn wood can fetch lucky owners or sharp-eyed reclaimers a pretty price too.

The truth is rather more prosaic. High-quality barn wood harvested from the U.S. original virgin forests can indeed fetch high prices at auction. However, for every top-earning lumber lot that goes under the hammer, there are a dozen or more that turn out to be rotten, infested with insects, or made up from odd mixes of poor-quality woods like cottonwood or redwood.

So How Much is Old Barn Wood Really Worth?

The worth of old barn wood depends on factors such as its species, size, condition, grading, and more. A single lot of top-grade East Coast old-growth barnwood, nicely weathered and properly graded, can occasionally sell at auction for $8,000 or more.

That’s most certainly the top end of the range. Most barn wood, even when well salvaged and cleaned, will sell for considerably less. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the range, there are plenty of romantic-looking barns collapsing in fields all over America, because the farmer simply cannot pay anyone to take the low-quality or damaged wood away.

That’s a gap big enough to drive several wagons through. And, that means if you are hoping to make money off a handy pile of barn wood you have your eye on, you better know your stuff. Sure, there’s some gold out there in the fields, but if you’re hoping to stumble upon an undiscovered “barn find”, you need to work very hard or get very lucky — and in most cases both.

The Whole Barn Truth

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that people who know wood are looking at when they do need to assess the value of old barn wood.

Standing Timber

Perhaps the most important thing to know about barn wood is whether it is still part of a barn. High-quality barn wood is worth more if it is still standing. This allows the owner or a purchaser to have the option to preserve the original building if it is historic, and also provides a secure provenance for the wood if it is going to be salvaged.

In other words, being able to prove that a lot of barn wood was indeed once part of a barn is potentially very valuable.

Finding barn wood in place is also valuable because it allows professional reclaimers to salvage the wood properly. That means removing the wood with care to prevent splintering or other damage and preserving the full length and integrity of elements like original sawn floorboards and beams.


While it takes decades of experience to be able to identify weathered wood on sight, you should look for long, close-packed arched grains and relatively few knots, typically of the yellow or white pines that were treasured by early settlers for their hardness and durability.

These solid old-growth woods weather evenly and without rotting, even in the harshest climates. Look for a silvery weathered pattern, rather than blackened or dark brown wood that has simply dried out and may be irretrievably damaged. Also, look for stable woods that have resisted warping or deep cracking despite exposure to heat and dampness.

The very best barn woods are made from the rock-solid heartwood of large, old-growth pines. This is the wood at the base and center of the trunk that grows slowly throughout the life of the tree, rather than the faster-growing concentric layers of sapwood which grow rapidly during the warm summer months and slowly during the winters.


What is the largest size of lumber available in a lot and how does this compare to the typical size of wood in the collection? Thicker, wider boards are more likely to have been sawn from huge old-growth trees at a time when such trees were common. These larger pieces of lumber will command a better price, especially if they are in good condition and there are a lot of them.

Keep an eye out for thick, broad floorboards hand-sawn from huge old-growth trees. Floorboards become progressively thinner over time as the largest trees are harvested. Also, look for the distinctive circular swirls caused by early steam-powered sawmills and (if you’re very lucky) beams or posts with the distinctive scalloped patterns of hand-held tools.

Lot Size

If a barn is no longer standing then there needs to be enough wood in a load of barn wood to convincingly have comprised a barn. If a lot seems too small, it’s worth asking what happened to the rest of the barn, and why the seller felt it was necessary to split the lot.

From a use point of view, it’s also important that there is a reasonable amount of wood in the same lot for it to be sufficient to complete another project. Odd lots of barn wood are unlikely to be of high and consistent quality, and questions must be asked about its provenance.

tearing down old barn with old wood


Next, what is the actual condition of the wood? Is it indeed high-quality wood, attractively weathered wood or just dried out poor-quality wood that has simply been outdoors for far too long? Is it painted or whitewashed? Is it likely to be infested now or has been infested in the past by termites or wood-boring beetles?

It’s vital to assess whether the wood has been damaged during salvage and whether it has been thoroughly cleaned of nails, screws, staples, and other metal fasteners and fittings.

It’s also important to know how wood has been handled once it has been salvaged. Reputable reclaimers like E.T. Moore pride themselves on their ability to treat and store these valuable woods properly. This typically includes storage in dry conditions with even humidity and kiln drying to eliminate organisms like bacteria from animal feces, as well as wood-boring insects.

When you buy wood from less scrupulous sellers, there’s no guarantee that the wood has not been stored in damp conditions, washed, or infested with insects or bacteria.

Lot Size

More prosaically, if a barn is no longer standing then there needs to be enough wood in a load of barn wood to convincingly have comprised a barn. If a lot seems too small, it’s worth asking what happened to the rest of the barn, and why the seller felt it was necessary to split the lot.

From a use point of view, it’s also important that there is a reasonable amount of wood in the same lot for it to be sufficient to complete another project. Odd lots of barn wood are unlikely to be of a high and consistent quality, and questions must be asked about its provenance.


The true mark of professionally reclaimed wood is in consistent and high-quality grading. Grading is the confidence you have that the sample of wood you are shown is the same as that throughout the lot as a whole. Experienced, reputable wood suppliers have taken years to earn the trust of the market that they supply consistently graded, usable wood.

Consistent grading allows you to buy the wood you need for a project with the confidence that you will have enough lumber of a particular type to complete your project. Good grading is also only possible when the wood is responsibly reclaimed from standing barn structures to ensure the maximum yield of good, reusable lumber.

Among other things, grading will tell you something about the length of the wood, its finished surfaces, and the number of beam pockets it has.

Where to Sell Your Barn Wood

There are several ways to sell old barn wood, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

Specialty Reclaimed Wood Companies: Companies that treat, clean, refurbish, and grade wood are always on the lookout for good quality wood. Reputable companies will be more picky about the wood they buy but will pay well for good, provenanced wood.

Online Marketplaces: Many sellers prefer the convenience of platforms like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace to reach local buyers. With no restrictions on the type or amount of wood you can sell, it’s up to you and the seller to agree on a price, with little recourse if you get it wrong.

Architectural Salvage Stores: These specialist stores buy limited amounts of barn wood to sell to designers, architects, and homeowners who are looking for unique, historic-looking materials for individual projects.

Local woodworkers and DIYers:strong> You can sell wood directly to local craftsmen looking for reclaimed wood for their projects. Be careful of frittering away what could be a valuable lot of wood by selling it piecemeal to users who only need a few pieces of lumber.

Consignment: The easiest and perhaps riskiest way to dispose of what could be valuable wood is to leave it on consignment at an antique or consignment store. If the right buyer ever turns up, they’ll likely want to pay far less than what you’re asking.

tearing down old barn with old wood

How to Get Started on Selling Barn Wood

Buying and selling barn wood is hard work, and you need to have a good understanding of the product and market to make money. However, it can be a rewarding activity if you have an interest in helping to preserve a unique resource and a valuable part of America’s heritage.

Most barn wood resellers get started by scouring their area for disused barns, then offer to remove wood for a fee to the owner. This can work if you’re lucky enough to find valuable wood.

However, by taking down the barn yourself, you’re not only risking injury or contact with harmful materials. Unless you do your homework you risk destroying a valuable and possibly protected property. Remember that barn wood is most valuable if it can be reclaimed professionally from its original site.

If you own a potentially valuable barn, you’re best off approaching a reputable wood reclaiming company yourself. If you find a farmer with a standing barn that looks promising, you might do your best to negotiate with a company that can do the salvage for you safely and professionally.

Barn Wood Frequently Asked Questions

We answer your common questions about reclaiming and selling barn wood.

How Much are Barn Timbers Worth?

The value of barn timbers varies greatly depending on species, condition, size, and other factors. However, wood in a building that is standing is generally more valuable than lumber in a loose lot because it can be properly provenanced and responsibly reclaimed. Once-valuable beams that have been damaged during removal are sometimes only good for board stock.

Why is Barn Wood Valuable?

Simply put, barn wood is valuable because of the distinctive patina wood developed over 100 years of weathering. This is particularly true of wood from large old-growth trees from the original forests of the eastern U.S. from which the earliest barns were built, which is of much higher quality than wood from modern commercial plantations.

In addition, the cost of recovering, cleaning, and resawing this wood is also much higher than using modern, commercial-grade lumber for the same applications.

Are Old Barns Worth Restoring?

It depends. Does the barn provide functional use as an agricultural building, or does it have exceptional aesthetic appeal or have another reason for saving it for posterity?

Assuming it has at least one of these qualities, there are two approaches to restoration: maintaining the building so it can continue to function as a barn or transforming it into something new. This can be expensive, but building a similar structure using modern building techniques can cost 2-3 times more.

E.T. Moore: Your Responsible Barn Wood Experts

Whether you’re looking for an experienced salvage partner to help you maximize returns on a reclamation project on your land or a buyer who understands the value of quality, responsibly recovered barnwoods, E.T. Moore has you covered.

As one of the leading suppliers of authentic reclaimed woods, we bring unmatched knowledge and experience to our quest to preserve and celebrate this unique piece of America’s heritage.

We are always looking to buy quality wood from responsible reclaimers with well-provenanced stock to boost our deep on-hand inventory, and to assist owners with responsible stewardship of standing structures. Contact us today to discuss how we can work together to preserve this irreplaceable resource!

We Buy Wood

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 19, 2024

Yellow Pine vs White Pine: What's The Difference?

Heart pine reclaimed wood flooring

When choosing between yellow pine and white pine for your next project, understanding the key differences in appearance, durability, availability, and cost can help you make the best decision for your specific needs.

Yellow pine is harder and more durable than white pine, with distinctive grain patterns and rich colors that make it ideal for traditional or rustic interiors. White pine is softer, more flexible, and easier to work with, often preferred for its lighter, cleaner appearance in modern designs.

White pine grows faster and is more readily available, making it less expensive. Yellow pine, especially old-growth heartwood, is harder to source and more costly due to its slower growth and limited availability.

In this blog, we take a closer look at how these classic American softwoods were used historically, and how the different properties of each continue to shape how both new growth and reclaimed woods are used today.

North and South: Yellow Pine vs. White Pine

While yellow and white pine may look similar at first glance, these woods are derived from very different tree species native to different regions of the United States. That affects both the quality and durability of wood, as well as their availability in your area.

Yellow Pine

Yellow pine usually refers to wood from mature longleaf pines. Trees up to 400 years old once grew in vast forests across the southeastern United States and were widely used to build the factories, mills, and warehouses of the early American industrial revolutions.

Today, these original growth hardwoods are greatly valued for the hardness and beauty of their distinctive heartwood and are reclaimed from disused historical buildings.

This limited supply is supplemented by new-growth yellow pine from commercial forests across much of the range of the original longleaf forests. While this younger wood lacks the distinctive aged heartwood of old-growth yellow pine, it remains a tough, durable, and highly sought-after material.

White Pine

Eastern white pine was a common native tree species across the northeastern United States. It was widely used for construction and flooring in New England and elsewhere. Although softer than deciduous hardwoods like maple or ash, it was also easier to work and acquired a distinctive patina with time and use.

Today, white pine remains popular for flooring and construction and the traditional wainscotting and paneling associated with New England decorative styles.

High-quality white pine woods are reclaimed from buildings throughout the northeast and sourced from modern commercial forests throughout the region. White pine matures far faster than longleaf yellow pine, making it a cheaper and more readily available choice.

Tall Order: White Pine vs. Yellow Pine

Yellow and white pine both offer popular and beautiful alternatives for almost any construction or decorative application, making it sometimes difficult to choose between the two. Each, however, has specific characteristics that make it better suited for particular uses.


Yellow pine can be identified by its long distinctive “cathedral”-like grain loops, particularly in original heartwood sources from the center of original old-growth trees. Yellow pine also varies from light yellow sapwood to a deep reddish brown in the heartwood and around knots.

Untreated white pine is much lighter than yellow pine with far less well-developed grains and fewer, more elongated knots. In fact, commercially grown white pine may sometimes look closer to birch wood used often in Scandinavian design. In fact, the subtle grain and “clean” look of white pine make it a popular choice for more modern interiors. The less distinctive and directional grain also means it’s an easier choice to match in flooring and furniture design.

The distinctive grain arches of yellow pine are prized for flooring, furniture, and paneling in more traditional and homely interiors. Reclaimed woods of both types may have darker oxidation around nail holes and marks from insect boring or woodworking.


Yellow pine grows more slowly and consistently in the longer days and milder climate of the southeast, resulting in a significantly harder and less flexible wood than white pine. Commercial yellow pine typically measures around 870 on the Janka wood hardness scale, although old-growth heartwood can be far harder.

Heart pine flooring is planed smooth for a touch-friendly surface.

This hardness gives yellow pine a toughness and durability unusual in a coniferous softwood, making it a mainstay of construction during America’s early industrial expansion.

By contrast, white pine is a significantly softer and more flexible wood, growing rapidly in short bursts during northern summers. This makes white pine easier to harvest and work but less durable than yellow pine. It also means white pine is more stable than yellow pine and less prone to warping or splitting over time, so it’s a good material for floorboards.

Both types of wood need to be protected with stains or sealants when used for flooring. White pine is also more prone to wear in high-traffic areas, although its flexibility means it can sometimes “absorb” damage from dropped objects or stiletto heels. With reasonable care and occasional refinishing, both reclaimed and new-growth pine floors of both species can last for decades if not centuries.

Sourcing and Availability

Both white and yellow pine are grown commercially, so it is usually easy to find reasonable quality wood in almost any length and grade. White pine grows significantly faster than yellow pine, so both new and reclaimed stocks are available, especially throughout the northeast.

Longleaf yellow pine grows more slowly, so there is less of it harvested each year. Therefore, suppliers are more heavily dependent on the limited supply of reclaimed wood. Stocks of both commercial and reclaimed yellow pine are usually easier to find in the southeast, but supplies of longer and wider grades can be hard to source.

You’ll also want to look at reclaimed wood from a trusted supplier like E.T. Moore if you are looking for the distinctive pinkish tones and grain of true old-growth yellow pine heartwood.

Wherever you choose to source your wood from, be aware that quality can vary widely. Be sure to choose a reputable supplier with access to higher quality, better seasoned, and properly graded stocks.


Faster-growing commercial white pine will usually be far cheaper than comparable grades of yellow pine, but the quality and price of both stocks vary drastically.

You’ll pay more for genuine old-growth yellow pine heartwoods, and more for reclaimed yellow pine in general, so if you are serious about sourcing these woods it’s essential to work with a supplier who will provide you with responsibly sourced and reliably graded products.

Reclaimed white pine is more plentiful, but higher quality and wider grades will cost more, especially for authentic old-growth stock.

As with anything, you’ll get what you pay for, so weigh your investment carefully. Tight-grained old-growth woods offer stability and durability unrivaled by many modern building materials and will last for centuries with reasonable care. Cheaper grades of commercial yellow and white pines will deliver years of good service but only with constant care and regular refinishing.


It can sometimes be difficult to find suitable reclaimed wood stocks that match the grain, hue, and patina of existing wood in a renovation, or to find sufficient wood of a particular grade for use in a large-scale rebuild. White pines are easier to match because their less prominent grade and lighter hues (plus more plentiful stocks) make it easier to find similar woods.

At E.T. Moore, we’re experts at matching the yellow pines used in construction from the turn of the last century onwards with woods in our large selection of on-hand grades. We can also match genuine yellow pine heartwoods used in historic buildings from the 19th century or older. It’s not possible to match a new-growth yellow pine with an original heart pine in any grade.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about the differences between white and yellow pines? We answer your most common questions. How can you tell a yellow pine from a white pine?

As far as flooring goes, untreated yellow pine will typically be darker than white pine with a darker grain and more difference between the pale summer-growth and darker winter-growth bands. Yellow pine will also have rounder and darker knots and pinkish or honey-colored heartwood. Fast-growing white pine is made up almost entirely of lighter sap wood.

Which is harder white pine or yellow pine?

Yellow pine grows more slowly than white pine and therefore has tighter grains, making it a far harder (but less flexible) wood.

Is yellow pine wood durable?

Genuine southern yellow pine is among the hardest temperate softwoods, matching or even outperforming many deciduous hardwoods like maple or ash.

What is yellow pine lumber good for?

Yellow pine offers more durability and wear than white pine and a more distinctive finish. It’s ideal for long-lasting flooring provided it is properly seasoned and acclimated before installation. Decoratively it’s best for more traditional or rustic finishes.

E.T. Moore's showroom is full of inventory of reclaimed wood flooring, such as yellow and white pine.

E.T. Moore: Your Source for Quality Reclaimed Flooring

While many suppliers offer access to limited stocks of reclaimed white or yellow pine flooring, only E.T. Moore has the experience and deep inventory needed to match stocks for almost any project or renovation.

Whether you’re looking for the fresh, clean look of New England white pine or the down-home feel of classic southern yellow pine, trust E.T. Moore for the responsibly sourced, cleaned, and graded flooring your project deserves.

Talk to us about your reclaimed pine flooring needs. We’ll use our industry knowledge and unrivaled inventory to help you nail down a classic.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 18, 2024

‘I Got a Guy’: What You Lose When You Buy Reclaimed Wood From a Middleman

All Heart Nail Hole reclaimed heart pine flooring

There’s always someone who knows someone who can hook you up with reclaimed wood for cheap. But opting for cut-price boards or lumber can cost you in the long run. Here’s why it’s worth paying a little more to invest in authentic reclaimed wood from a reputable dealer with the experience and inventory to back up their promises.

Going Against the Grain: The Real Cost of Cut-Price Wood

Reclaimed wood is reclaimed wood, right? Why worry too much about where it came from or where it’s been as long as it looks old and it’s available for a steal — especially if it’s just going on the floor.

Sounds too good to be true? It probably is. Many suppliers will tell you they “have a guy” who can supply more or less what you just happen to need, and at a great price too.

Sounds great, but be careful. Buying reclaimed wood from a supplier without an established track record can cost you in ways you might not expect. Keep reading to learn why it’s better to take your time, do your research, and work with a dealer you can trust to help you deliver on your promises.

“Penny Wise, Pound Foolish”

This old English saying does a good job of describing someone who ends up missing out or costing themselves a lot of money because they tried to save a few bucks.

In the reclaimed wood game it’s often a contractor who is told by a supplier that they don’t have what they need — but they know someone who might. This may be an odd lot left over from a project, a new product available from a foreign company, or, heck, just a guy with a loading dock and a truck.

Working with an untested middleman might work out fine, especially if for you it’s all about the price. You might get lucky and find the wood is exactly what you want, and in the grade and quantity you need. But there’s a lot that can go wrong, too.

E.T. Moore's lumber room is packed with inventory of consistent quality reclaimed wood.

Limited Inventory

A truckload of wood is great for a home project, but what if your supplier doesn’t have enough of what you need or the grading is not what you expected? You find yourself being steered to other options that might also do the job, and before long you’re compromising and breaking promises to your client.

That’s because responsible wood reclamation is a long game. Committed suppliers like Virginia-based E.T. Moore, take years or even decades to identify and source vast quantities of wood of a consistent quality. Harvesting, cleaning, and grading this wood, and storing it carefully in controlled conditions takes time, money, and patience.

For these reputable suppliers, it’s a trade-off that works if you can provide a superior product and a deep source of quality woods that your clients can rely on not just today, but long into the future.

“What separates us from most other companies in the business is not that we’re awesome or great or that we’ve got the best equipment“, explains Taylor Moore, head of marketing at E.T. Moore. “No, for us it all comes down to inventory.

For smaller wholesalers without the same connections or depth of inventory, providing a consistent supply of quality wood can be a problem. That problem can quickly become yours if you underestimate your order, or are asked to match or replace existing work.

Where’s the Beef?

A renovation project using Number 2 Heart Pine flooring grade.

Limited inventory can affect you in other ways. For example, you’ll find a lot of suppliers offering lower-priced boards for flooring. That’s because flooring is by far the biggest part of the reclaimed lumber market. It’s easier to break into with limited stock or poorer quality wood and offers a narrower range of product specifications. Some suppliers even offer low-price “box beams” made from three repurposed flooring boards.

Some suppliers will even choose to mill large-dimension old-growth beams into flooring boards, just because it is easier to move on to buyers who should know better.

Once again, this might be fine if you can afford to take a chance on the quality and availability of your product, but don’t be surprised if you are caught short on a job where your client expects a little more than the lowest-priced item on the menu.

Established suppliers have built a name not only by providing large amounts of consistently graded timber over a long period but also by supplying a full range of reclaimed woods suitable for use as beams, paneling, floorboards, and furniture.

“Flooring is for most parts the hamburger of the industry. If you’re fine with hamburger patties and cook those on the grill, then that’s great,” jokes Moore. By contrast, at E.T. Moore “we sell the whole cow. So if you want ribs or filet or hamburger or chuck roast, it doesn’t matter. We do it all.”

In other words, while you might have been able to source reasonable flooring from, say, a foreign-based company, at a great price don’t expect the same supplier to have your back if you need quality matching wood for a staircase or decorative features that complement existing work. Instead, you’re likely to be steered to available products that don’t match your needs or your client’s vision for their project.

“What you lose is the ability to make choices,” says Moore of contractors who choose to source wood this way. “We can sell you the hamburger, we can sell you the plain stuff, but our strength is in customizing our products to exactly what you want.”

E.T. Moore provides high-quality reclaimed lumber for custom cabinetry.

Failing the Grade

A third way you can be caught out by relying on unproved or unscrupulous middlemen and cut-price suppliers is in the consistency and quality of your purchase. You need to be able to trust that the specification and grading of an entire lot that you pay for match the samples you were shown up-front.

There’s a reason why reputable suppliers put such a premium on accurate and consistent grading of their products. Expert grading is a traditional skill learned over a lifetime and high-quality grading is incredibly labor intensive.

It’s hard to overstate how important grading is to the reputation of companies like E.T. Moore. It’s a bond of trust with our customers that the product they see in our yard is the same as what they will see from wall to wall on the finished project.

Limited inventory can make it hard for small-scale suppliers to match and maintain grading throughout a lot. That can mean unwelcome surprises for you when it’s too late to go back and sloppy-looking finishes that will tarnish your reputation as a craftsman.

Simply put, as a contractor, being able to trust the grading on the product you buy lets you keep your promises to your client.

Unmatched Inventory: The E.T. Moore Way

E.T. Moore is a family company with a proud reputation for providing the highest quality reclaimed wood for owners, builders, and contractors. We’re committed to ensuring the quality and character of America’s original hardwoods are preserved by continuing to use them in our buildings, homes, and workplaces today.

Our great strength is our unmatched on-hand inventory — the largest in the U.S. This allows us to ensure a consistent supply of the widest range of authentic reclaimed wood products.

We’ve worked hard for decades to build the relationships that allow us to source large, dependable supplies of original old-growth woods. These are brought to our five-acre facility in Richmond, Virginia, where they are cleaned, dried, and graded before being stored under cover until needed. Talk to us about your reclaimed wood needs. Let us use our experience, depth of inventory, reliable grading, and wood-matching skills to bring your reclaimed wood project to life!

Contact Us Today

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 12, 2024

Case Study: Maryland State Capitol Renovation With Reclaimed Cypress Shingles

Maryland State Capitol renovation with cypress shingles

Experts restoring Maryland’s historic State Capitol called on E.T. Moore to source authentic reclaimed tidewater cypress to partially replace the original shingles protecting the sides of the building’s famous dome, which dates from 1794.

E.T. Moore drew on extensive experience working with genuine old-growth East Coast hardwoods to match the original shingles from on-hand stock and used expert milling skills to help project craftspeople recreate the building’s traditional shingling techniques.

The Maryland State House Dome

The oldest state capitol building still in legislative use, Maryland’s State House and its distinctive dome has towered over the skyline of Annapolis for more than 250 years. As the first part of a multi-year restoration of the capitol, the dome has undergone major renovations in the last year.

Much of the current dome dates to 1792, when the capitol’s original dome was expanded under the direction of Joseph Clark, a local architect and builder. Although a great deal of Clark’s structure remains in place, it was badly in need of waterproofing, structural repairs, and sensitive restoration of the original roofing, windows, and traditional wooden shingling.

When work on the $7.5 million dome refurbishment project was given the go-ahead in early 2022, restoration experts, The Christman Company, tapped E.T. Moore to source and mill cypress shingles to match the original old-growth shingles covering the sides of the dome tower.

The Challenge

Renovation of the State Capitol dome was just the first part of a complex long-term restoration of the entire building expected to cost $34 million and work needed to be done on time and on budget to avoid contractual penalties and keep the larger project on track.

Scaffolding around the state capitol dome

The Maryland Board of Public Works required work on the dome to be wrapped up within the year following project approval in January 2022. Project general contractor Christman has undertaken several high-profile historic renovations for the state and understands the need to deliver high-quality work that respects the skills and intentions of the original artisans.

At the same time, planning, budgeting, and completing historic restorations can be complex, because renovation almost always reveals additional damaged materials or structures that also need to be upgraded, putting pressure on timelines.

Christman contacted E.T. Moore in February 2002 and requested a match of the original old-growth tidewater cypress shingles used on the dome with suitable reclaimed wood of a similar age, and source enough lumber to allow the project to be completed on time.

The contractor also needed E.T. Moore to mill the replacement shingles to replicate the existing traditional building techniques used on the building, which involves mingling shakes of several different widths to cover the surface of all four sides of the dome tower with a distinctive pattern.

With the final contract signed and the deposit paid in June, E.T. Moore had four months to deliver the replacement shingles to keep the project on track.

The Solution

Craftsmen at E.T. Moore match shingles to treated reclaimed cypress

Work by the original project researchers had identified the wood used in the existing shingles as tidewater cypress from the original coastal old-growth forests of the Eastern Seaboard.

Fortunately, E.T. Moore was able to use established techniques to match sample shingles to treated reclaimed cypress stocks on hand in their Richmond, VA-based facility.

However, E.T. Moore also knew from previous experience sourcing replacement wood shingles for James Madison’s historical home at Montpelier that matching the grading and milling of the original lumber would be a complex task.

The team started by asking the contractor to measure the exact widths of a sample row of 35 shingles on all of the sides of the dome tower. It was discovered that each row of 35 required shingles of varying individual widths to cover the entire width in a regularly repeating pattern.

E.T. Moore used this pattern to create a larger graded sample including shingles in six different individual widths from 2 ½” to 7”. Almost 10,000 shingles were needed, each exactingly milled, to partially replace the original shingles on the dome.

Replacement cypress shingles on the capitol dome

With suitable lumber already treated and on hand, E.T. Moore’s expert craftsmen got to work using techniques similar to those who created the original cypress shingles.

True to our promise of sourcing quality reclaimed hardwoods quickly and affordably, E.T. Moore delivered a full batch of replacement shingles for the Maryland State House Dome in September 2022 – on budget and a month ahead of schedule.

The Results

When Maryland Governor Larry Hogan raised the flags of the nation and of Maryland over the capitol dome on January 10, 2023, it marked the end of the first stage of a restoration project that recognizes the past while ensuring the future viability of America’s oldest operating state capitol.

“Our historic State House has been an important part of the Annapolis skyline for 250 years, making it and its dome a national treasure,” Governor Hogan said.

“We mark the culmination of its restoration and ensure this landmark will continue to stand strong for generations to come.”

E.T. Moore’s large in-stock inventory, traditional woodworking skills, and deep knowledge of historical coastal hardwoods allowed the original materials of this historic building to be supplemented with carefully stewarded resources of the same age and origin.

In fact, it’s possible the trees used for the original shingles might have been growing alongside those from which their replacements were made – an amazing testament to the longevity of this unique American resource, and the value of preserving it by keeping it in use.

It’s hard to think of a better material to protect the home of Maryland’s democracy for the next 250 years!

Let E.T. Moore Supply Your Next Project

Founded in 1969, E.T. Moore is one of the largest reclaimed wood suppliers on the East Coast. Our extensive facilities and deep on-site inventory mean that we can match any sample and provide your historic renovation or new project with premium reclaimed wood. Learn more by contacting E.T. Moore today.

Contact Us

Author Taylor Moore III
Date November 13, 2023

Buyer’s Guide to Salvaged Wood

Wormy Chestnut Kitchen Cabinets: Rustic Elegance by E.T. Moore

Salvaged wood is a popular renovation material, offering many aesthetic and practical benefits. However, finding a reliable source of quality reclaimed wood isn't a matter of luck; it requires a solid understanding of how to make the proper selection.

Adding to the challenge is that many online sellers may be unable to meet your quality or authenticity standards. Navigating this market is crucial because the wood you choose has long-term implications—it could elevate your room or leave you with regret.

Read on to learn how to source high-quality salvaged wood that will transform and add value to your living space or room.

Understanding the Terms: Reclaimed, Salvaged, and Repurposed

Reclaimed, salvaged, and repurposed wood are all terms for recycled lumber with nuanced differences. Salvaged wood often originates from naturally fallen trees or land cleared for construction, making it a unique choice for eco-conscious projects.

Reclaimed wood usually comes from old structures like barns, factories, or homes, offering rich history and timeless appeal. Repurposed wood is a versatile term encompassing any recycled wood adapted for a new, meaningful use.

While these terms differ slightly, they all point to wood given a second life. When purchasing reclaimed wood, splitting hairs over terminology is less important. Focus instead on aspects like the source, condition, and any processing the wood has undergone to ensure the highest quality.

The Issue with Online Marketplaces

As the popularity of salvaged wood increases, so do the sellers looking to cash in and make a quick buck. You’ll often find “salvaged wood” at seemingly dirt-cheap prices on Craigslist, Facebook, and other online marketplaces. While it may initially seem like a great deal, cheap wood comes with serious risks.

Sellers in these informal markets often don't know the complete provenance or history of the wood they sell. There could be issues like lead paint, insecure fasteners, or insect damage. In some instances, unscrupulous sellers will “doctor” new wood to mimic a vintage look.

Prep work like removing nails or kiln-drying the wood to eliminate insect infestations and ensure its longevity is also unlikely. And there are no guarantees about the quality and integrity of the wood itself.

The E.T. Moore Difference

Established in 1969, E.T. Moore specializes in high-quality salvaged wood. Over the decades, we've earned a well-deserved reputation as the go-to source for vintage heart pine and other reclaimed wood products.

We source our wood from decommissioned mills and factories. Our buyers head to the demolition site and hand-select the best wood pieces. We then ship it to our 5-acre Richmond, VA, facility, where it undergoes a proprietary multi-step process to ensure quality and durability.

Our extensive inventory allows us to match sizes and grades seamlessly, ensuring your repairs blend in as if they were original features. A meticulous milling process guarantees easy installation without adjustments needed on your part.

Unlike the salvaged wood found on Craigslist and other online markets, E.T. Moore's reclaimed lumber is unmatched in quality and durability. Our exacting standards for sourcing, selection, processing, and milling mean you can trust you're getting the best vintage wood available.

Buying Tips

When shopping for reclaimed wood, be selective about sourcing. Opt for suppliers like E.T. Moore that hand-select wood from decommissioned sites, avoiding lower-quality mass-salvaged materials. Examine pieces in person when possible, looking for sound structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. Beware of knotting, cracking, or rot.

Ask about processing methods. Quality reclaimed wood undergoes meticulous milling and often kiln-drying to ensure stability. Finish and intended use will also dictate preparations like planing or sanding for smooth surfaces. Don't assume "reclaimed" means ready for installation.

Finally, purchase more than you need. There will be waste from squaring ends, trimming damages, and custom-cutting installs. Especially with higher-grade woods, you want wiggle room. Adding 10% to your square footage calculations is a good rule of thumb.

Reclaimed wood used for beams and trusses at New Kent Winery.

5 Reasons to Opt for Reclaimed Wood

For several reasons, reclaimed wood is an excellent choice when planning a home renovation or improvement project.

Here are a few compelling arguments to make the leap:

  1. Sustainability: Choosing reclaimed wood not only looks great but also reduces waste and saves trees, making it an eco-conscious choice.
  2. Durability: Old-growth reclaimed wood often exceeds the hardness and resilience of newer lumber.
  3. Aesthetics: Reclaimed wood's unique, rustic appeal gives your space an unmatched, timeless beauty.
  4. History: Incorporating salvaged wood into your project provides an interesting story and adds unparalleled character.
  5. Property Value: Using quality reclaimed wood could raise your home's resale value.

Where to Buy Reclaimed Wood

If you're looking for the highest quality reclaimed wood, look no further than E.T. Moore. We are the premier source for reclaimed wood in the United States, with over 50 years of experience and a vast inventory of antique lumber.

We welcome custom orders, skillfully matching sizes, grades, and finishes to your specifications. Our reclaimed wood is artisan-quality and built to last for generations, whether it's flooring, mantels, beams, or any other project.

Reclaimed wood used for beams and trusses at New Kent Winery.

High-Quality Salvaged Wood from E.T. Moore

For top-tier reclaimed wood, E.T. Moore stands unmatched. Our meticulous processes ensure our salvaged wood exceeds the highest quality and durability standards. Whether your project is big or small, our expertise and diverse inventory make us your one-stop solution for all your reclaimed wood needs.

Ready to elevate your space with premium reclaimed wood? Click below to explore our salvaged flooring and lumber options:

Author Taylor Moore III
Date September 6, 2023

How to Clean Reclaimed Wood Floors

Maintaining the original beauty of your antique wooden floor can sometimes seem like an uphill battle. It's as if dust bunnies, scraps of food, and pet hair have declared it their favorite gathering spot.

At E.T. Moore, we are often asked how to clean reclaimed wood floors. The short answer is that maintaining an antique floor is very similar to traditional wood floors. However, there are a few tricks to help ensure your reclaimed wood floors keep their unique character.

How to Clean Old Wood Floors

Sweep or vacuum with a soft-bristle attachment to remove loose debris, then use a pH-neutral cleaner with a well-wrung-out mop or cloth to gently clean the surface, avoiding excess moisture. This helps protect the wood from damage while maintaining its finish.

Over time, you may have to deal with certain accidents such as spilling a glass of wine or candle wax dropping onto the floor. Read on to learn about how to properly clean your antique wood floors in these more nuanced situations.

First Steps in Cleaning Reclaimed Wood Flooring

Reclaimed wood floors are environmentally friendly and add a rustic charm to your interiors. However, their distinct characteristics require a specialized approach to cleaning.

Start by removing loose debris or dust that could scratch the surface. Sweep the floor with a soft-bristle broom or vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor attachment.

This first step is vital because the rough texture of reclaimed wood tends to trap dirt and debris in nooks and crannies. Take your time, and pay close attention to any areas that may be particularly dirty.

Use a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for wood floors. Other products have harsh chemicals that could strip away the natural oils or damage the finish. Use a well-wrung-out mop or cloth for cleaning, as excessive moisture can harm the wood.

Reclaimed Heart of Pine Flooring in Dining Room

Preventative Care for Reclaimed Wood Floors

Preventative care is the first line of defense for maintaining your investment. The finish and unique patina are susceptible to damage from various elements. Here are several tips to take into consideration:

Custom Built Dining Room with Edge Grain Heart Pine


Certain types of reclaimed wood, such as antique heartwood, have excellent moisture resistance and “move” very little with seasonal changes. Other wood species require indoor humidity from 30% to 50% and temperatures from 60° to 80°F. Staying within these ranges helps to prevent warping and movement throughout the year.

Food, Wine, and Liquid Spills

Clean up food and liquid spills as quickly as possible. Use a slightly damp mop and gently wipe the wood dry of any residual water or liquid—the less time liquid spends on your floor, the less likely for long-term damage.

Candle Wax and Chewing Gum

Use a few ice cubes to freeze chewing gum or candle wax. A credit card or plastic scraper will gently scrape it away without leaving a permanent mark or stain.

Rugs and Carpets

UV rays from the sun shining through the windows can slightly alter the color of the wood over many years. It’s essential to occasionally move rugs and carpets to avoid getting different rug-shaped spots over time.

Avoid using plastic, rubber, or foam-backed mats, as they could cause discoloration. Instead, use a high-quality vinyl rug underlay to prevent rugs and carpets from slipping when you walk over them.


Apply soft felt pads on the feet of your furniture and chairs to avoid scratching the floor finish. Ensure the pads are free from harsh chemicals or “wonder materials” that could ruin the rich patina.

Reclaimed Wooden Floor Maintenance

There are several things to avoid when cleaning your reclaimed wood floors:

  • Avoid using Swiffer cleaning products, as they make it almost impossible to refinish the wood.
  • Don’t use hardwood flooring cleaning machines or steam cleaners.
  • If you want to restore the gloss, refrain from using “2-in-1 cleaning solutions” with polish that may contain acrylics or urethane.
  • Stay away from oil soaps and liquid or paste wax products. Also, don't use heavy-duty cleaners containing citrus oils, lemon oil, tung oil, silicon, or ammonia.
Family Room that Fits the Whole Family

Daily and Weekly Cleaning

Regularly sweep your floors with a soft-bristle broom. Fine sand, dirt, or grit from your pet's paws or kid's soccer cleats can act like sandpaper and scratch the floor. You might not see it right away, but these tiny scratches can reflect indoor light and appear ten times larger.

Placing doormats at entry points will help remove some dirt and debris. However, shoe soles can easily trap tiny grains of dirt, gravel, or sand particles that may still be carried inside. As people walk across the floor, these particles can cause scratches.

It’s best to ask everyone to remove their shoes, cleats, and high heels before entering your home. Establish a designated area near the entrance for shoe storage, making it convenient for guests and family members.

Additionally, the nails of dogs and cats are often sharp and can easily scratch the floor. Regularly trim your pet's nails and ensure their paws are dirt-free. An absorbent doormat for pets can help reduce the amount of debris they track into your home.

Renewing Your Antique Wooden Floor

You might want to renew the look of your antique reclaimed wooden floor after a few years of enjoyment. A wide range of approved finishes, stains, and sealers will protect your investment and bring out its natural beauty.

Contact the flooring experts at E.T. Moore for customized advice on how best to apply and use renewal products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the nuances of maintaining reclaimed wood might seem daunting. Below are some frequently asked questions to help you effectively care for and showcase the rustic beauty of your reclaimed wood.

When cleaning reclaimed wood floors, it's essential to use a gentle cleaner that won't harm the wood's natural properties. We recommend using a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for wood floors. It's also a good idea to dilute it according to the manufacturer's instructions to avoid using an overly concentrated solution.

Cleaning reclaimed wood for indoor use requires a systematic approach to preserve its character:

  • Remove any loose debris or dust—A soft-bristle brush or a vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor attachment works best.
  • Clean the surface—Use a mild, pH-neutral cleaner diluted with water. Avoid soaking the wood; use a damp cloth or a well-wrung-out mop.
  • Dry the surface—Thoroughly dry the wood with a clean cloth to stop moisture from soaking in.
  • Seal the wood—Seal the wood with a finishing product to protect it from stains and wear.

Reclaimed wood can sometimes harbor insects. Here's how to eliminate them:

  • Inspect the wood—Carefully inspect the wood for any signs of bugs, such as holes or sawdust.
  • Use heat—If possible, kiln-drying the wood is one of the most effective ways to eliminate insects.
  • Use insecticides—Apply a borate-based insecticide to the wood following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure to wear protective gear and ensure proper ventilation.
  • Sealing—After treating it for bugs, seal the wood with a finish to create a barrier that will deter future infestations.

Making reclaimed wood look good is all about enhancing its natural character while making sure it’s clean and protected:

  • Clean the wood—Start by cleaning the wood thoroughly.
  • Apply a finish or stain—Use a manufacturer-recommended wood stain or a clear finish to highlight the natural grain.
  • Seal the wood—Seal the wood with a protective coating like polyurethane to protect it from damage and wear.
  • Regular maintenance—Regularly dust and clean the wood, and periodically check the finish to ensure it's still in good condition.

Remember, reclaimed wood has a history; part of its charm lies in its imperfections. Take care to preserve its unique character while keeping it clean and protected.

Antique and Reclaimed Flooring from E.T. Moore

At E.T. Moore, we’re one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the Eastern Coast. Founded in 1969, we strive to provide our clients with a wide range of beautiful antique heartwood and other types of wood flooring.

Our facility, large inventory, and proprietary reclamation methods ensure that we have what you’re looking for and can match any sample that you provide. Click below to learn more.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date July 10, 2023

Mixed Hardwood Flooring Design Ideas

Mixed wood flooring and a nautical design provide a unique entryway to a home.

Mixed hardwood flooring can be an eye-catching addition to any space, providing movement and interest where a more consistent texture and tone might be overwhelming or dull. Choosing high-quality reclaimed or antique woods adds depth, texture, and unbeatable durability to the complex original story your mixed wood floor is telling.

Change It Up With Mixed Hardwood Flooring

Mixed hardwood flooring combines different species of woods, often in different widths or lengths to create a more eclectic or varied look than more evenly matched hardwood floors. While a perfectly matched, high-quality hardwood floor provides a timeless elegance of its own, choosing to mix your woods lets you create a nuanced look that is all you.

The original mixed wood floors probably came about when barn wood started being reused for the floors of farmhouses. Barns were typically constructed of whatever wood was available, so these floors could include a selection of local hardwoods from the forests of the eastern United States including elm, ash, beech, oak, and old-growth pine.

For this reason, many mixed wood floors, especially ones with lots of visible nail holes, knots, and wormholes tend to give a rustic feel to a space.

But because the original factories, warehouses, and mills that powered America’s industrialization have been turned into offices, studios, and exhibition spaces, the woods used in these buildings have been extensively reused. These heavy, darker hardwoods—often stained, scarred, or bearing circular saw marks—bring a vibrant, post-industrial buzz to the spaces.

Today, expert reclaimers and antique wood specialists like E.T. Moore provide customers with a huge range of quality reclaimed, antique, new, and exotic woods. These woods provide a rich pallet for anyone wanting to create a unique or eclectic floor all of their own.

Below we explain what mixed hardwood flooring is and why it’s a great choice for your living or working space. We also provide ideas and tips for designing a beautiful floor and then sourcing the right wood to make it a reality. Read on to learn more.

What Makes a Mixed Wood Floor?

A mixed wood floor is any floor that combines woods that are of different species or that have undergone weathering, staining, and treatment that makes individual boards significantly different from each other.

Many mixed wood floors also include boards of different widths or sizes, which adds to the sense of the “story” a mixed wood floor brings to a space, as well as adding interest to the eye.

Finally, they also include seemingly random elements including cracks, knots, staining, and nail holes. While many single wood floors include these elements, in mixed-wood floors they are used with more abandon to add to a sense of eclecticism rather than as a specific design element.

What Are Some Mixed Wood Flooring Design Trends?

Here are some of the most common techniques that are used to combine mixed woods into a coherent flooring pattern or design idea.

1. Herringbone Pattern

Heart pine wood set in a herringbone pattern.

The herringbone pattern is a classic design that involves arranging rectangular planks at a 45-degree angle to create a zigzag pattern.

This design can be created with reclaimed wood flooring to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.

2. Wide Plank Flooring

Wide plank flooring is a popular choice for those who want a rustic or farmhouse-style look.

Using reclaimed wood planks in varying widths can create a charming, textured effect that adds character and warmth to any space.

3. Random Width Pattern

Mixed wood flooring laid in a random width pattern brings a simple, rustic feel to a kitchen.

A random width pattern involves using reclaimed wood planks in varying widths to create a random, yet harmonious pattern.

This design can give a room a relaxed and casual feel, and it's a great option for those who want a floor that looks natural and organic.

4. Chevron

A chevron layout is similar to herringbone, but the planks are cut at a sharper angle to create a V-shape. This design is often used to create a modern and stylish look.

Eight Mixed Hardwood Floor Design Looks

The sky is the limit when it comes to combining color, texture, grain, and board size in a mixed hardwood floor. That said, it helps to start by looking at some classic looks that have stood the test of time.

1. Temperate Hardwoods

Double down on charm with a selection of warm-toned, old-world hardwoods including mahogany, cherry, and maple. The colors will complement one another while the distinct grain of each wood will set individual pieces apart. Keep things tight with consistent board width and length or let the wood tell its own story by using the sizes as they come.

Just remember, you may need a skilled carpenter to combine boards of different sizes when installing the floor.

2. Rustic Charm

Embrace the origins of mixed hardwood floors by choosing the inconsistent size and come-what-may wood mix associated with reclaimed barn wood. Look for warm tones and unique features like nail holes and saw marks.

Add color and consistency by combining lower-quality barn wood with genuine antique or distressed oak for a true farmhouse feel.

3. Coastal Escape

Bring a touch of the ocean inside with the muted tones of weathered unpainted woods in washed-out browns and grays. Create a driftwood shack feel by choosing wood of very different widths or lengths. Choose smooth, light-grained woods and avoid reclaimed or distressed materials. Reclaimed tidewater pine and cypress are perfect for this look.

4. Two-Tone Fusion

Jazz up your space with a mix of smooth dark woods and light-colored boards. Choose an exotic hardwood like teak or tigerwood and set it off with the clean Nordic lines of birch or ash. You’ll get a striking, contemporary look that will fill any space with energy.

5. New England Cottage

Combine dark oak or walnut with the honey-colored tones of maple for a sophisticated, versatile look that’s at home anywhere. Enjoy the contrast of the old country warmth of the oak and walnut with the brightness and open grain of the new world maple.

6. Understated Elegance

Add unfussy warmth to a room by combining different shades of natural oak. The similar grain will draw the floor together but the different shades of oak will make it pop. It’s simple, clean, and timelessly elegant.

7. In the Mix

Turn up the eclecticism by throwing together a seemingly random collection of hardwoods for a kind of controlled chaos. Enjoy the interplay of rich, dark hardwoods with clean, light-grained ones. The result is engaging, artistic, and endlessly fascinating.

8. Old School

Combine shades of antique, distressed oak, or reclaimed heart pine for a warm, worn, well-loved feel that will make anyone feel instantly at home. Your house doesn’t have to be old to be welcoming.

What Goes Into Designing a Mixed Hardwood Floor?

A custom design of mixed wood flooring provides a charming, historical feel to a hallway adjacent to a den.

Mixed hardwood floors are always about contrast, eclecticism, and parallel stories, but unless randomness itself is the aim, there always needs to be a few guiding principles behind every great floor design. Here are some pointers to bear in mind as you consider options for your project.

1. High Key or Low Key?

First, ask yourself, do you want your floor to be understated and nuanced with subtle graduates of tone and texture or a standout study in contrast, with sharply different wood colors? If contrast is not your aim, do you want your floors to be lighter or darker?

Keep in mind that lighter woods will reflect light and darker woods will absorb it. Therefore lighter spaces seem larger and darker spaces smaller.

2. Choose Your Range

Now create your color range by picking out the lightest and darkest woods you will use in your design. Ideally, you should have an even spread of woods within this range, depending of course on how much contrast you want.

3. Keep Something the Same

Create a sense of coherence by choosing a feature that will bind your design together. This can be the color of your wood if you are creating a low-contrast design, or it can be consistent board width and size, or perhaps a similar grain or knot pattern between wood types.

4. Make Something Different

Increase interest by adding some randomness to your design. This could be boards of different widths or ones with unique cracks, nail holes, or saw marks. The more you add, the more eclectic your design will be. But beware: too much variability will affect the coherence of your design.

In short, a good mixed hardwood floor is a balancing act between coherence and contrast, between light and dark, and between randomness and consistency. Getting it right can be tricky, so consider working with a professional designer to help you realize your vision.

What’s the Best Wood for Mixed Hardwood Floors?

The best woods for mixed hardwood floors combine visual appeal with toughness and durability. Woods used for flooring need to be able to stand up to daily wear and tear including foot traffic, spills, and regular cleaning. They also need to be strong and stable enough to withstand temperature and humidity changes without warping or bending.

Slow-growing hardwoods are always a good choice for flooring. However, premium reclaimed heart pine, spruce, and cypress from America’s original old-growth forests are hard to beat. The strength and stability of these woods made them the ideal choice for structural beams, joists, and floorboards in mills, warehouses, and factories.

The sturdy and durable reclaimed heart pine wood in a living room is an excellent choice for a high-traffic area.

These ancient woods are also coveted for their rich natural beauty and the unique character each piece has developed over centuries of use. E.T. Moore salvages and remills vintage hardwoods into quality flooring that continues this long tradition of American craftsmanship.

While the supply of true old-growth heart pine and cypress is limited, reclaimed second-growth stocks of eastern white pine and other historic hardwoods like spruce, hemlock, and fir offer similar durability and a range of different hues and grains to add character to your flooring.

Sustainably grown supplies of red oak, cherry, and new-growth pine are less durable than true antique woods but offer beauty, character, and warmth at an affordable price. Like any quality hardwood, they will last for generations if maintained properly.

Make E.T. Moore Part of Your Reclaimed Wood Story

Whether you are seeking the timeless quality and sense of history of a genuine wide plank old-growth heart pine or you are looking for a selection of quality woods for a unique mixed hardwood floor, E.T. Moore has the quality reclaimed products you need.

As expert wood salvagers with more than 50 years of experience, we offer the largest selection of heart pine and other classic American hardwoods for your renovation or new build.

Our vintage wood products include:

At E.T. Moore, we offer the largest on-site inventory of premium quality reclaimed woods, stored at our five-acre site. All woods are graded and milled according to our own exacting standards. We can usually source and ship most orders within two weeks.

We are also experts at sourcing and matching hard-to-find woods and we can often supply orders in longer lengths and wider widths than other suppliers.

Talk to us about how we can help you make high-quality, historic reclaimed wood flooring part of your life today—and for generations to come.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 7, 2023

Acclimating Your Reclaimed Hardwood Flooring

Beautiful heart of pine reclaimed hardwood flooring that was acclimated before being installed in a family room.

The beauty, durability, and grandeur of reclaimed hardwood flooring are undeniable, making it a highly sought-after option for homeowners and designers alike. By taking the time to acclimate your flooring correctly, you can ensure long-term stability and performance while preserving its unique character and charm.

Read on to learn more about the process of acclimating hardwood flooring and why this critical installation step is so important.

What is Wood Floor Acclimation?

The reclaimed wood floor acclimation process allows the wood time to adapt to indoor humidity and temperature levels before installation. Acclimation is vital for the longevity and durability of your hardwood flooring since it enables the material to perform optimally under ever-changing environmental conditions.

Why Should You Acclimate Reclaimed Hardwood?

Allowing your new reclaimed hardwood flooring to adjust to the indoor humidity and temperature levels is essential for the following reasons:

Stability—Wood is considered hygroscopic, which means external moisture (humidity) causes it to expand and shrink naturally. It will absorb or release water based on the surrounding environment.

Durability and longevity—Proper acclimation ensures the flooring will remain in balance with the indoor environment, reduce the likelihood of damage, and allow it to maintain its appearance and structural integrity for decades to come.

If you don’t take the time to acclimate, your hardwood floor could experience future gaping, cupping, or warping issues. At that point, you’ll have to deal with time-consuming and potentially expensive repairs. And if you do manage to fix the problem—deep down inside, you’ll never forget “that one spot on my beautiful floor” that suffered damage.

How to Acclimate Reclaimed Hardwood Flooring

Follow this step-by-step guide to acclimate your reclaimed hardwood flooring properly:

Step 1: Timing and Climate

The optimal hardwood floor acclimation time is at least 5-7 days before installation and even longer for thicker or wider planks. Acclimation should take place during a season that has relatively stable humidity and temperatures, so try to avoid acclimating when the forecast calls for extreme weather conditions.

The thicker boards of this reclaimed heart pine flooring required longer acclimation time.

The species and variety of wood can impact the length of acclimation time. Some species of wood are more stable than others and may require less time, while others may be more prone to movement and require a longer duration.

Additionally, wider planks and thicker boards may require longer acclimation than narrower and thinner boards. This is because wider planks and thicker boards have more surface area and therefore more potential for movement.

Step 2: Preparation

Before you bring the wood indoors, ensure the storage area is dry, well-ventilated, and clean. Finish painting or other wet work at least seven days before acclimation to ensure proper drying.

Step 3: Measure Indoor Temperature and Humidity

Use a hygrometer to measure humidity and temperature levels in the installation area. Maintaining a relevant humidity level between 30-50% and a temperature range of 60-80°F (15-27°C) is recommended.

Step 4: Bring the Wood Indoors

Bring the wood inside and remove any packaging materials. Store it in the room where it will be installed, stacked with spacers between the boards to allow air to circulate. Stack the flooring in a cross-grain pattern, with each layer perpendicular to the previous one. This process helps to promote even acclimation.

Step 5: Monitor the Environment

Continue to monitor the temperature and humidity levels throughout the entire acclimation period. Utilize a humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, or AC to make any necessary adjustments to keep the wood in the recommended range.

Use a high-quality wood moisture meter and check levels daily to ensure moisture content stabilization. The moisture content of the flooring should be within 2% of the subfloor for solid hardwood and 6-9% for reclaimed hardwood flooring.

Acclimate Your Hardwood Floors and Achieve Long-Lasting Results

The thicker boards of this reclaimed heart pine flooring required longer acclimation time.

As you embark upon your journey to transform your living space with reclaimed hardwood flooring, remember that patience and diligence during the acclimation process will lead to a stunning, timeless result that you can proudly showcase in your home.

At E.T. Moore, we have one of the largest reclaimed hardwood inventories on the Eastern seaboard. Our expansive 5-acre facility in Richmond, VA., allows us to create stunning hardwood flooring with highly desirable grain patterns. Contact us today or click below to learn more about our flooring products.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date May 9, 2023

Guide to Rustic Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring

Rustic hardwood flooring in wide planks adds charm to a room.

“Rustic” wide-plank hardwood flooring instantly sets your renovation or upgrade apart with timeless beauty and old world charm. Choosing professionally reclaimed antique hardwoods adds lasting value and unmatched durability to your project and connects you to a long tradition of quality American craftsmanship.

Read on to learn more about the unique appeal and practical benefits of reclaimed hardwood flooring and how to find the ideal historic woods for your space.

Above Board: Rustic Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring

While hardwood has become increasingly popular for home flooring in recent years, the unmistakable quality of a professionally-laid wide plank antique hardwood floor still commands respect from anyone who appreciates fine construction and authentic design. And it’s not just easy on the eyes. For centuries, the long-grained wood from America’s slow-growing eastern forests has been appreciated for its unmatched strength, stability, and resistance to moisture. Plus, its natural flexibility makes it a durable, generous, and forgiving material to have underfoot.

Today, “rustic” wide plank floors that incorporate reclaimed ancient hardwoods are very desirable. Here we’ll take a look at what makes reclaimed vintage wide plank flooring so unique but also assess both the advantages and potential drawbacks of using reclaimed flooring in your renovation or construction project.

We’ll also list some important things to bear in mind when looking to source quality reclaimed wood for your own vintage wide plank hardwood floor.

What Is Wide Plank Flooring?

Technically speaking, wide plank flooring is any original wood plank product wider than the 2.5 to 4-inch solid or remanufactured wood board products commonly used for commercial “hardwood” floors. In practice, most buyers and suppliers consider true wide plank flooring to be original wooden planks that are at least six inches wide.

The actual width of the planks is often a good indication of the age of genuine hardwood flooring, as large trees became more scarce when the original old-growth forests along the eastern seaboard were logged.

At the same time, the trunks of even the oldest local eastern pine species favored for making floorboards seldom allowed planking wider than 12 inches to be cut.

What Makes Vintage Wood Floors Unique?

Hardwood flooring brings warmth and natural texture to any space, but genuine reclaimed woods add an unmistakable sense of character, depth, and connection that you will recognize every time you walk through the door.

Natural Qualities

Reclaimed woods are a window to the past. These sometimes rare woods feature unique natural colors and grain patterns that are seldom found in modern commercial lumber. Examples are the dark heartwood found in genuine old-growth heart pine, the long and straight grains of genuine reclaimed yellow pine, or the telltale tinge of true tidewater pine from the mid-Atlantic coast.

Unique Features

Reclaimed wood always comes with a human history. From the irregular textures of a hand-hewed surface to the distinctive swirls of early circular saw milling, every piece of reclaimed wood bears the imprint of the past.

A wide plank hardwood flooring shows the natural knots of original antique heart pine wood.

Add to that the singular warping, wear, nail holes, and rust staining any hardworking piece of lumber must bear and you have a singular story right under your feet.

A Living Legacy

The best part about owning a reclaimed wood floor is that the story is not over. These woods might be all we have left of long-forgotten pre-colonial forests since they were once part of the factories, mills, warehouses, and barns of an earlier America. By making them part of our busy everyday lives today we honor that legacy by continuing it.

Pros of Reclaimed Wide Plank Flooring

While the beauty and historical legacy of quality reclaimed wood are easy to appreciate, there are many practical reasons for choosing it for wide plank flooring.

1. Durability

There was a reason our ancestors chose these woods and why their work is still with us today. These slow-growing first- and second-growth woods have a strength and durability you just won’t find in modern commercial softwoods.

2. Flexibility

At the same time, the size of these early trees gave boards sawn from them a unique flexibility that gives a well-constructed reclaimed wood floor a unique “sprung” quality.

3. Stability

More importantly, the tight grain of genuine antique hardwoods is remarkably stable, meaning the boards are more resistant to swelling, warping, or cracking as moisture levels change with the season and years. That means less creaking, gaping, and unevenness even after years of use.

4. Finishable…

Good-quality reclaimed wood can be finished in many ways using simple stains, durable varnishes, sealants, or (if you must) paint. Start with good materials and the results will speak for themselves.

5. … And Refinishable

Premium reclaimed wood flooring rewards careful renovation, from repeated staining and waxing to full sand-down renovations. Quality always shines through!

6. Fewer Planks, Fewer Seams

While wider floorboards will usually cost more, you won’t need to buy as many planks and you’ll have less pieces to nail down. It also means fewer seams, which will add to the visual appeal of your floor. This also makes it easier to clean and maintain plus minimizes potential trip hazards as the floor ages.

7. Sustainability

Reclaimed wood is a finite resource therefore good quality, legacy woods will cost more. At the same time, choosing to include it in your construction extends the life of a valuable product and keeps it out of landfills. It also helps reduce demand for modern commercial forestry products that are in many cases far more carbon-intensive and much less durable.

Cons of Reclaimed Wide Plank Flooring

Despite its obvious appeal, reclaimed wood is not ideal for every flooring project, especially if you have limited time or a tight budget.

1. Cost

High-quality, responsibly reclaimed wood simply costs more. Reclaiming, cleaning, and grading this lumber is very labor-intensive. Premium reclaimed wood will cost you more up front but will pay off over time. That said, skimping on quality with cheaper wood can mean expensive do-overs, repairs, and maintenance work for years to come.

2. Availability

There’s only so much good-quality reclaimable wood out there so it can be harder to find the exact quality and size of lumber you need.

For best results work with an established, reputable wood reclamation company like E.T. Moore. We have the widest selection of quality reclaimed lumber on hand as well as the knowledge, experience, and connections to source specialty orders.

3. Inconsistent Size

Along with limited availability comes inconsistent sizing. Not only were older boards not cut to the same exacting standards as modern lumber products, but job lots tend to include pieces of many different sizes. At E.T. Moore, we’re known for our consistent grading and we have the milling and finishing equipment to bring your order to specification if necessary.

4. Inconsistent Quality

Reclaimed wood comes with a personality of its own. That’s why we love it—but warping, bending, and staining as a result of historic use is part of the challenge and charm of working with a legacy product. At E.T. Moore we work hard to keep quality and character consistent, but if absolute uniformity is important then reclaimed wood is probably not for you.

5. Maintenance

Reclaimed wood is a responsibility. Keeping antique woods in use means taking care of them with regular cleaning, maintenance, and sometimes refinishing. If you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, then you might be better off with a low-cost, low-maintenance softwood or a manufactured wood product.

Own the Room: Buying Reclaimed Wood Flooring

If you’re serious about making reclaimed wood flooring part of your life then it’s worth taking the time to make smart choices that will deliver value over the long term. Here are some important things to consider:

Choose Quality

Not all reclaimed wood is the same. While lightweight, reclaimed barn wood is popular for decorative use, this is rarely suitable as flooring. If you’re in it for the long haul, genuine reclaimed pine, hemlock, cypress, and spruce are good choices. That said, the tried-and-true durability, stability, and visual appeal of genuine reclaimed heart pine are hard to beat.

How Wide Is Wide Plank?

Rustic hardwood flooring in wide planks give an old world aesthetic to a dining room.

The wider the planks you choose for your wide plank floor, the more you will pay. At the same time, reducing the number of seams in your floor and the nails and substructure needed will yield some savings. Remember also that wider usually also means longer. Choose longer length boards the wider you go to maintain a sense of visual harmony and proportion in your floor.

Consider Mixed Width

You can keep costs down by opting for a mixed-width floor that intersperses wider and narrower floorboards. Be sure to choose wood that has a very similar grain to avoid a “striped” effect. For best results, work with a professional installer.

Go With the Grain

Also, think about the overall visual effect of the grain in your floorboards. For consistency, choose the long, straight, combed grain of yellow pine. For interest, however, you may prefer the elegant cathedral-arch lines of heart pine. Consider how these lines will work with the width and length of your boards, particularly in narrow or elongated spaces like hallways or bathrooms.

Moisture Control

A critical factor in any original wood flooring is the amount of moisture in the wood you are buying and installing. Moisture content should ideally be very low but also needs to be consistent throughout the job lot you purchase to prevent shrinking, swelling, or warping as your floor is installed.

Be sure to work with a supplier who knows how to handle and store wood correctly. At E.T. Moore, we kiln dry reclaimed wood to ensure consistency and store all of our inventory indoors.

Grade Points

Reputable suppliers like E.T. Moore grade all the wood we handle according to the number of board faces that meet a particular standard. The more matching faces that wood in a lot has, the higher the grade assigned.

Raw reclaimed wood lots vary in quality and the size of individual planks or boards, meaning more pieces in a lot will be considered “out of grade.” The more “in grade” a lot is, the more of the original reclaimed wood will have to be discarded or milled. Lots are also graded according to color, grain, knotting, rust staining, and nail holes.

Professional grading helps to protect buyers. The knowledgeable staff at E.T. Moore will be glad to explain how our grading affects quality, consistency, and price.


If you are undertaking a repair or restoration work or adding an extension on an older building you may have to find planking that matches existing floorboards. As one of the largest wood reclaimers on the East Coast, E.T. Moore has more than 50 years of experience in identifying, matching, and sourcing the rare antique hardwoods used in historic construction.

E.T. Moore: Your Quality Reclaimed Wood Source

Reclaimed wood is not always what it seems to be. To ensure you get the lasting quality and appeal you are paying for, work with a reputable partner.

At E.T. Moore, we’re working hard to put quality historic hardwoods into homes and workspaces where they will be used, preserved, and cherished for generations to come. We specialize in turn-of-the-century reclaimed heart pine flooring and other high-quality antique hardwood products. We offer:

  • A wide selection of quality off-the-shelf reclaimed wood floorings
  • Custom matching from our unrivaled on-site stock of reclaimed lumber
  • Custom milling and molding services
  • Decades of experience in sourcing and grading the best reclaimed woods

Talk to us about your reclaimed hardwood flooring needs. We’ll provide grading advice, expert millwork, and we can usually source special orders within two weeks. Contact us today or click below to learn about our reclaimed wood flooring products.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date May 2, 2023

Reclaimed Wood Barn Door Design Ideas

Reclaimed sliding barn door

The durability, toughness, and strength of high-quality reclaimed wood make it a smart and practical choice for a wall covering. Its natural warm and timeless character makes it a beautiful material to surround yourself with. Here are some reclaimed wood wall ideas to get you started.

Reclaimed wood barn doors have become a popular design feature in apartments, lofts, and homes in recent years. Mounted on sliding hardware, barn doors offer a great way to separate spaces while adding visual appeal to any interior — especially when teamed with the natural charm of reclaimed wood.

Get Style on Track With a Genuine Reclaimed Wood Barn Door

You don’t need a straw hat or a room big enough to drive a wagon through to appreciate the charm and practicality of a barn door. This robust design option has as much to offer in a small apartment as it does in an expansive room. Here’s why choosing a barn room for your space is a great choice straight out of the gate.

A Barn Door?

Yes, that’s right! This is a door of almost any size mounted on wheels or rails so it slides aside horizontally to allow access to, well, almost anywhere. Originally designed to enclose the full width of a working barn, the indoor versions are especially popular for separating dining and living areas or closing off a bathroom or walk-in closet from a bedroom.

old barn door inside new home

Versatile, Practical

There are a couple of reasons why barn doors can be such a smart and versatile choice for many different spaces:

  • Any size: The sliding design of a barn door means it does not need to fit into a frame. In fact, a door can be built almost any size, provided there is space for it to slide into.
  • Compact: This also means a door does not need to swing into a room to open, freeing up valuable usable floor space for furniture.

As a result, barn doors are a great way to close off larger entryways or areas in more expansive spaces or anywhere you’d usually have to use double swing doors. You just need enough space on one side of the entryway for the entire door to slide into, or half the space on either side for a split door solution.

Barn doors are also a smart way to free up valuable usable space around doorways in small apartments or en-suite bedrooms where every square foot counts.

Brace Yourself

So, aside from the practical advantages, what makes a barn door special? The distinctive cross-bracing of a traditional barn door adds both strength and style to a frame of any size. For the full “down home” farm effect, choose between:

  • A "Z-Brace" or "Z-Style" barn door, which features diagonal planks in a "Z" pattern on the front of the door, held together with a diagonal brace on the back.
  • A "Double X" or "Double Crossbuck" design featuring horizontal planks with two diagonal crossbars, creating a distinctive shape on both sides of the door.

Not ready for that much farm charm in your midtown loft or understated new build? No problem. The natural strength and relative lightness of wood mean barn doors are now available (or can be built) without the traditional visible bracing.

Style and Substance

That said, it’s the distinctive use of materials that makes a classic barn door stand out. Above all, it’s a design that calls for the effective use of wood, and nothing adds a touch of authentic rural or post-industrial charm like high-quality reclaimed wood.

A reclaimed wood barn door is not only a practical addition to your home but also a sliding pallet that adds natural texture and visual appeal to your living space. The look of your barn door is a combination of the wood you choose, the way it is painted or treated, and the hardware you use to mount and move it.

old barn door inside new home

Whether you are buying your reclaimed wood barn door or having it built from scratch, the story it tells is up to you. Here are some other popular styles to get you started.

  • Traditional Rustic: This design features a simple, classic look with a rustic touch. The door is made from natural wood and may have a weathered or distressed finish. The hardware is often made of wrought iron and can be simple or decorative.
  • Modern Minimalist: This design is sleek and simple, with clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic. The door is often made from natural wood with a smooth, polished finish and the hardware is usually simple and understated.
  • Farmhouse Style: This design has a cozy and charming feel, often featuring painted wood in a pastel or muted color, with decorative molding or trim. The hardware is often decorative, with black or bronze finishes.
  • Industrial Chic: This design features raw materials such as reclaimed wood and metal, with a more industrial and edgy look. The door is often made from a combination of wood and metal and the hardware is usually black or dark metal with an industrial feel.
  • Barn Style: This design is meant to mimic the look of a traditional barn door. The door is often made from natural wood and may have crossbars or decorative details. The hardware is often a sliding track system with large, visible wheels.

The Right Design for You

These design styles are just starting points. Ultimately, the design of the barn door should reflect your personal style and preferences. It's important to choose a design that you love and that you'll be happy with for years to come.

old barn door in apartment loft

Here are some important considerations to bear in mind as you plan your door and the space it will fit into:

  • Timelessness: While some designs may be trendy now, it's important to consider whether the design will remain popular in the future. Choosing a timeless design that will stand the test of time can be a smart choice. For example, a simple, classic rustic design or a traditional paneled one may be more timeless than a trendier industrial or minimalist design.
  • Coherence: It's important to consider how the design of the barn door will fit in with the overall aesthetic of the space. Will the design complement the existing decor or clash with it? Make sure the barn door design aligns with the style and tone of the room or home.
  • Durability: Since barn doors are often used frequently, it's important to ensure the design is sturdy and durable enough to withstand regular use. Choosing a high-quality reclaimed wood and hardware will help ensure the barn door lasts for years to come.
  • Functionality: Consider the functionality of the barn door design and whether it will meet your needs. For example, a barn door with a large amount of glass panes may not provide enough privacy, while a door with intricate carvings may be difficult to clean.

Reclaimed Wood: A Doorway to the Past

Choosing high-quality reclaimed wood for your barn door combines form and function with warmth, matchless durability, and timeless elegance.

E.T. Moore is one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast. We specialize in rare turn-of-the-century reclaimed heart pine lumber and other high-quality antique hardwood products.

All of our reclaimed woods are expertly graded, milled to the highest standard, and stored indoors at our five-acre facility in Richmond, Virginia to ensure the highest quality materials for your project.

Continue the legacy and extend the life of these classic American hardwoods by making them part of your own story. Contact us today or click below to learn more about our unmatched range of unique reclaimed wood products perfect for your project.

Reclaimed Lumber

Author Taylor Moore III
Date April 21, 2023

Guide to Reclaimed Wood Beam Finishes & Styles

New Kent Winery Reclaimed structure beams

Once the backbone of warehouses, mills, and agricultural buildings throughout our region, quality reclaimed woods provide unmatched strength, stability, and beauty for your project or renovation.

Whether used structurally or purely decoratively, traditional hand-hewn beams, rough-sawn beams, and resurfaced beams bring timeless beauty to the heart of your home, especially when used with an ideal wood beam finish that matches and enhances your interior aesthetic.

Here we describe the main styles of reclaimed wood beams available for your project, some of our recommended finishes or treatments, and how different finishes work with various interior designs or styles.

Wood Beam Styles

At E.T. Moore, we’re working to preserve the past by making it part of our modern everyday lives. We are experts at reclaiming old-growth beams recovered from disused early industrial buildings, docks, and historic barns so that we can continue to benefit from the irreplaceable strength and natural presence of these structural woods.

Original reclaimed heart pine beams still provide a level of structural strength, stability, and flexibility unmatched by many modern materials. At E.T. Moore, we offer single beams up to 40 feet long and 17 inches thick for your most demanding interior and exterior structural applications.

Our reclaimed beams are also available in a range of smaller original and custom sizes for both structural and decorative use. They also come in a variety of finishes that reveal these woods’ unique legacy.

Original Finish Beams

Large Original Finish Reclaimed Beam

Our original finish beams pay tribute to the resilience and durability of these industrial timbers by preserving aspects of the wear, weathering, and markings that the woods received during their “working” lives.

While grain and color ultimately depend on the original wood species, much of the texture and character of these woods, from saltwater exposure to nail hole staining, is a direct result of their former lives. This makes every piece, in some way, unique.

The rougher finish of these timbers is best preserved in structural and decorative applications such as roof trusses or ceiling treatments. That said, the “honest” textures of these working woods can be softened by sensitive hand finishing and treatment with recommended oils, stains, or varnishes.

Hand-Hewn Beams

Hand Hewn Beam

Before there were sawmills, our ancestors hewed wood with hand-made axes or adzes and used chisels to cut mortises. These techniques are still found preserved in older timbers or in wood buildings in more remote locations and bring an irreplaceable sense of connection to the past.

The unique human touch applied to these woods is best highlighted in decorative beams that celebrate this legacy of craftsmanship and connection to the natural world. E.T. Moore sources original hand hewn woods and can also assist with specialist treatments to match and recreate existing woodworking on historic buildings and restoration projects.

Rough Sawn Beams

Rough Sawn Beam

The advent of large-scale timber harvesting brought with it the use of large hand-drawn blades and circular blades in the first steam-powered lumber mills. These early industrial techniques left their mark on historic timber.

Rough sawn beams feature either the distinctive irregular straight lines of original band saws or the graceful scalloped patterning left by early circular blades. These markings are preserved in the wood with sensitive milling and finishing techniques.

E.T. Moore respects the legacy of past woodworkers and therefore we do everything we can to preserve these marks when handling wood. We can also replicate some historic effects such as circle sawing on reclaimed wood to complement existing woodwork or recreate a desired effect.

Surfaced Beams

S4S Planed Smooth Beam

Reclaimed surfaced beams have been planed smooth to provide a clean and touch-friendly surface while still retaining the wood’s authentic texture and unique features like original nail holes and natural staining. Surfaced beams provide a more subtle and versatile “palette” for use in a wide range of modern or classic wood applications.

Depending on the source of the original reclaimed wood, surfaced reclaimed beams can also be trimmed and edged to provide a more standard finish and include decorative finishes like angled corners and ends. Surfaced beams are a great way to add quality decorative wood to a space in a simple and understated way.

Wood Beam Finishes

E.T. Moore supplies and recommends a wide selection of approved sealers, stains, and finishes to preserve and protect antique woods in both exterior and interior applications.


Wood sealers provide the highest level of protection to woods by providing a plastic-based or varnish coating, making them great for exterior use or high-wear interior applications. However, once a varnish sealer is used, no further treatments can be applied on the wood without fully reconditioning it

Sealers do not change the color of wood, although they are sometimes combined with stains that do. That said, the amount of varnish in a sealer affects how glossy the finished wood appears. This can range from a high sheen to a softer “velvety” finish, depending on the look you are trying to achieve.

E.T. Moore supplies the following approved sealers for reclaimed woods:

  • Waterlox Original Sealer/Finish: A versatile sealer combined with a tung oil finish that provides a protective, elastic coating that resists surface moisture and wear. Ideal for “oily” exotic hardwoods like teak, rosewood, and ipe.
  • Waterlox Original Marine Sealer: A hard-wearing, medium-sheen sealer ideal for exterior projects or beams exposed to high levels of steam, heat, or moisture.


Stains penetrate the grain of the wood to change its color while preserving or enhancing the visual appeal of the grain. Stains provide some protection but do not include varnish to provide an impervious surface coating like sealers do.

Stains can dramatically change the color of the wood and should be carefully chosen to match the original color, grain, and texture. At the same time, most stains can be diluted for increased coverage and a more subtle effect.

Stains are also more effective on softer woods like pine because they are able to penetrate deeper into the grain than in hardwoods. That said, the tight grain, weathering, and natural aging of antique old-growth reclaimed woods like heart pine often makes them behave more like traditional hardwoods when stained.

With this in mind, E.T. Moore supplies the following approved stains for our wood products:


True finishes are meant to provide a beautiful luster to woods by penetrating deeply into the grain rather than simply adding a surface varnish. While more time-consuming to apply in multiple coats, a finish will protect your wood from the inside, while allowing you to sand down and add additional coats when your wood needs it.

By choosing to finish rather than seal the wood, you respect the natural weathering and breathability of it. This makes finishing an ideal choice for ultra-stable reclaimed wood, allowing you to refinish and protect it as time goes by.

E.T. Moore supplies the following quality finishes for use with our reclaimed wood products:

Wood Beam Finishes

While reclaimed wood is highly durable, there are only a few approved finish products on the market. At E.T. Moore, we carry the following finish options:

Waterlox Original Sealer / Finish

Waterlox Original Sealer and Finish

This Tung oil finish creates a protective and elastic barrier against moisture, foot traffic, and common household spills. This is Waterlox's oldest interior finish—it was originally formulated in 1910 and provides excellent adhesion to reclaimed wood beams.

Waterlox Original Satin Finish

Waterlox Original – Satin Finish

This low gloss level formulation offers a sturdy and elastic barrier to everyday household spills and foot traffic. There is no preparation needed—you can use this product straight out of the can with applicators such as lambswool.

Waterlox Original High Gloss Finish

Waterlox Original High Gloss Finish

This high gloss finish tung oil is meant to be used in conjunction with Waterlox Original Sealer/Finish. It provides a high 85° gloss level and is very easy to apply.

Waterlox Original Marine Sealer

Waterlox Original Marine Finish

This traditional exterior Tung oil spar varnish offers a high gloss finish and provides excellent protection against moisture, harsh weather, and sun/UV rays.

What Finish Works Best With Your Style?

While hard-wearing glossy finishes and sealers are required for exterior beams, the finish you choose for your interior woodwork should highlight the natural beauty of your reclaimed beams while complementing your own chosen style.

Modern Styles

For bright, light Scandinavian-inspired spaces, choose smooth-finished beams or make a feature out of some heavily-distressed or hand-hewn pieces—but keep all your surfaces light and clean.

Treat beams with a simple, clear oil-based finish or at most just a light treatment with Sutherland Welles Light Heart Pine Stain—but keep the wood smooth, lightly textured, and tactile. Above all, avoid overly shiny sealed surfaces.

Rustic, Spanish, and Western Styles

These styles draw directly from the natural hues of classic heart pine. If your original reclaimed beams are already mid-hued or have original woodworking textures you want to accentuate, then simply compliment them with Sutherland Welles Light Heart Pine Stain to protect and accentuate.

If your reclaimed pine is relatively pale or very smooth, then add warmth with Sutherland Welles Warm Pine finish. However, consider using this in dilution to avoid overwhelming any subtle iron staining or the natural contrast between the heart and sapwood.

“Old World” Styles

If you are looking for the gravitas and warmth of a genuine old world interior then start with high-quality reclaimed oak or dense-grained single-tone heart pine beams, then treat them with Sutherland Welles Warm Pine finish at full strength. Team with heavy furniture and rich tones to create a warm, intimate, and welcoming space.

Provided your room has enough light, you can achieve the authentic feel of an English country pub by giving your beams a darker ”smoked” finish with Sutherland Welles Dark Heart Pine Stain. Complete the look with whitewashed walls, stonework accents, and wrought iron details.

Reclaimed Douglas Fir Beams and Sawn Skins

Farmhouse Styles

The classic American farmhouse style features plenty of pastels and painted/natural wood combinations. You can bring depth and quality to what might otherwise be a rather off-the-shelf look by adding genuine reclaimed woods to the ceiling space or wall accents.

Choose clean smooth-cut or circle-cut beams over hand-hewn or heavily distressed reclaimed beams and treat them with a Light Heart Pine or Warm Pine finish to match exposed pine table legs or accents elsewhere in the room.

Industrial Styles

If you’re going for a modern loft or industrial style then choose an original finish or heavily distressed reclaimed barn beams. Treat these with a combination of dark or mid-hued stains, depending on how much light you have.

Experiment with using multiple layers of finish to slightly darken the color of some elements for a piecemeal “postmodern” effect. Team your beams with stainless steel furniture and neon or track lighting.

Reclaimed Wood Design Style Tips

Reclaimed wood beams are known for their stunning allure and rugged durability. However, there are a few design tips that will allow you to match the finish to your room perfectly:

  • Choose a Dominant Tone—Mixing wood tones is perfectly fine. However, be sure to select a dominant tone and allow the other ones to accentuate it.
  • Experiment with Contrast—Contrast can add mystery, intrigue, and make certain pieces stand out even more than usual. For example, let’s say you have an antique wooden chair with dark overtones. Pair it with a light color reclaimed wooden floor to draw more attention.
  • Use Accents to Prevent Blending—If some of your furniture pieces match the color of your wooden beams, there’s a chance they could disappear. Consider using accents such as a wall rug or other pieces to break up the color.
  • Consider the Undertones—Take a look at your dominant wood tone. Is it cool, warm, or neutral? Stay within the same undertones to create continuity and allow everything to blend seamlessly.
  • Wash, Rinse, Repeat—Once you’ve found a style that works for you, continue with it! For example, if you have light-colored beams, consider getting chairs with the same-colored legs. Repeat this pattern twice to ensure your entire room looks well put together.
  • Consider Natural Light Finishes—These types of finishes can create a bit of contrast and brighten the room. Light finishes create an airy and warm look when paired with linen sofas or chairs.

Choose E.T. Moore Reclaimed Wood Beams

Whether you select reclaimed wood beams for their size, strength, and stability or their enduring warmth, charm, and beauty—authentic antique woods bring something extra to your project.

Team rough sawn, hand hewn, or smooth planed beams with a dark, mid-toned, or light finish for a versatile design element that will complement or highlight any style. With genuine reclaimed heart pine and other original antique reclaimed beams from E.T. Moore, the sky really is the limit.

All E.T. Moore woods are reclaimed responsibly from historic buildings that are being redeveloped. Our woods are professionally graded, kilned, and milled as required and stored indoors at our five-acre facility in Richmond, VA. With a large inventory of wood beams and other reclaimed products, we can fill most orders within two weeks.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you find the best reclaimed wood beams for your project or click below to learn more about our products.

Reclaimed Wood Beams

Author Taylor Moore III
Date April 18, 2023

Reclaimed Wood Wall Design Ideas

A newly renovated kitchen with reclaimed wood flooring, which is the best wood floor for a kitchen.

The durability, toughness, and strength of high-quality reclaimed wood make it a smart and practical choice for a wall covering. Its natural warm and timeless character makes it a beautiful material to surround yourself with. Here are some reclaimed wood wall ideas to get you started.

Smart Ways to Use Reclaimed Wood on Your Walls

For our ancestors, wood was an indispensable building material. Strong, flexible, and endlessly adaptable, it was the ideal material with which to line the interior of their homes to provide added comfort and natural insulation from the elements.

These days, we’re not as dependent on wood as a building material as we once were, but we still love to have its unique warmth and beauty close at hand. If you’re looking for a way to bring the timeless quality of wood into your living spaces, read on.

We’ll consider natural wood’s long history as a functional and decorative wall covering and look at why high-quality reclaimed wood is a great choice for continuing this tradition with innovative wall displays of your own.

Wood Paneling Techniques

Traditional wood paneling techniques were developed wherever wood was used to line the interior of buildings to help improve insulation and provide an appealing surface. While originally dependent on the type of woods that were locally available, more modern styles were developed with the arrival of industrial-scale forestry practices and machine milling.

Board and Batten

Where only narrower boards were available, these were often installed in a style now often known as board or batten. Usually used with vertical boards running from floor to ceiling, the style included narrower strips to cover the seams between the main boards to improve insulation and add visual appeal.

Shiplap Walls

nail hole heart pine kitchen floors

Named to recall the watertight sides of a wooden boat, shiplap walls are made up of parallel boards with tongue and groove edges that achieve a smooth, almost seamless effect. Most often done with boards running horizontally, handcrafted shiplap paneling in fine timber is the hallmark of a master artisan.

Beadboard Paneling

Beadboard is a term for wood paneling made up of parallel identically edged boards that provide a decorative effect with grooved seams. All the boards used need to be identically milled to achieve this look, which means it is a relatively modern technique.

Framed Panels

Where larger wood panels were available, these were framed up against the wall using narrower lumber in a grid of identical rectangles. In the finest homes, these panels originally showcased elegant split and matched heartwood patterns, but the availability of cheaper softwoods and pine veneers has made this technique more common.

Chevron or Herringbone Walls

Chevron and herringbone paneling uses boards or wooden strips laid out in parallel or interweaving diagonal shapes. Mainly used as an accent in other fine work by skilled craftsmen, the wider availability of uniformly milled lumber has seen this technique being used more in flooring and in decorative wall displays.

Wood Slats

Wood slat walls are made up of thin precision-milled strips. Installed vertically, horizontally, or both, this design trend creates a modern, sleek, and stylish look.

Vertical Strips

With deep roots in the mid-century modernist tradition, this technique of lining up thinly-spaced strips of narrow wood was perhaps overused in the 1970s but is regaining popularity now. While elegant and versatile when professionally carried out, it can be hard to keep in good shape over time.

3D Wood Designs

Wall displays made up of superimposed wood pieces can make for interesting and appealing accents in a room but need to balance originality with restraint. They also tend to attract dust over time and can be hard to clean.

Reclaimed Wood Wall Ideas With Modern Applications

nail hole heart pine kitchen floors

While many of these paneling effects can now be achieved using popular mass-produced prefabricated wood fiber products, using high-quality wood is instantly recognizable and has a long-lasting appeal that will endure fleeting trends.

If you are serious about investing in a wood wall design that will stand the test of time, then you should also consider using genuine reclaimed wood from a reputable supplier. As experts on historical hardwoods, E.T. Moore recovers these irreplaceable woods from the beams, joists, and floorboards found in early industrial-era mills, warehouses, and factories.

Once part of the original old-growth hardwood forests that covered the eastern seaboard, these woods provide a living link to America’s industrial past. Here are some “mix and match” ideas to help you include this long tradition of fine woodworking in your everyday surroundings.

Full Walls

We don’t often panel entire rooms anymore, but in many spaces, a full paneled wall can add warmth to a sterile space without being overwhelming. Choose an understated wood texture and a smooth shiplap design for enduring appeal.


nail hole heart pine kitchen floors

Wainscotting brings a timeless classic feel into your home and can make dining rooms, hallways, and entryways feel more welcoming. Wainscotting is usually a traditional frame or board and batten design that extends up the wall to waist or shoulder height, with a painted section above.


If you are concerned about overwhelming a space with too much wood or you need to differentiate areas in an open-plan or multi-use area, a wood-lined alcove could be the answer. Set off a breakfast nook or a couch with warm, welcoming wood tones that highlight your stainless steel appliances or stone countertops.

nail hole heart pine kitchen floors


Add warmth and focus to your den or renovated basement with a beautifully appointed fireplace. Here’s the place to let loose on vibrant yet understated herringbone, chevron, or modernist wooden slat designs.

High-Traffic Areas

The secret of high-quality reclaimed hardwoods is that, while they cost a little more up front, they’ll outlast most modern materials and look better doing it. That makes them perfect for high-traffic areas like entryways, mud rooms, or around stairways. Reclaimed wood will shrug off everyday fingermarks, spills, and bumps—after all, it’s already seen worse!

Things to Bear in Mind

Quality materials speak for themselves. Choosing high-quality reclaimed wood for your project makes good designs great—and great designs timeless. How you choose to use wood on your walls is of course up to you, but here are some things to consider as you plan your project.

Room Size

If you are going to panel an entire room, make it a small study or media room. Choose lighter wood with quieter grain patterns and use an understated shiplap or classic wood design. For larger spaces, use wood as an accent or focal point. Differentiate one wall or set off harder stone or steel accents with the warmth and humanity of wood.


As important as the room size is the amount and kind of light a room receives. Dark wood will absorb light, potentially turning real elegance to a gloomier hue, while lighter wood will reflect it, potentially making what should be a welcoming place seem sterile.

Color Schem

The type of wood and finish you choose for your wall can affect the color scheme of your room. If you want a warm, cozy feel, a stained wood wall in a rich, dark color may be perfect. If you want a more modern, minimalist look, a light-colored wood slat wall may be a better choice. Talk to your wood supplier about the best combination of wood color, grain, and stain.


Quality reclaimed wood is naturally hard-wearing. That said, it’s worth bearing in mind how your space will be used when planning your wall design. Seamless shiplap or beadboard designs are great for stairwells or play areas, but stylish slat designs or frame designs might show wear and tear sooner.

Enduring Styles

nail hole heart pine kitchen floors

A well-chosen wood provides a great pallet for whatever style you prefer, but to keep your overall design looking current for longer, it might help to base your ideas on one of a few established interior design themes. It will also make it easier to find matching accessories.

Traditional Rustic

Make the most of your natural wood with plain or lightly stained surfaces with plenty of weathering, nail stains, or other distresses. Inconsistencies in milling and woodworking are more accepted. Wrought iron hardware and accessories match well and can be utilitarian or more decorative.

Modern Minimalist

Drawing directly on the iconic modernist designs of the last century, this look favors clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic. Woods are in natural or mid-toned hues with a smooth, polished finish. Accessories are usually simple and understated.

Farmhouse Style

This classic American style has a cozy and charming feel, with wood in paired tones and plenty of molding or trim. The hardware is often decorative, with black or bronze finishes.

Industrial Chic

Think midtown loft or rust belt renaissance. This style features raw materials such as heavily distressed reclaimed wood and chunky accessories for a more industrial and edgy look. Woods are generally darker or heavily stained and accessories are in dark metals.

Why Reclaimed Wood?

When it comes to creating a winning wood wall design, you have plenty of options. It’s easy to create a fashionable look with off-the-shelf products. What’s more, cheap designs using widely available softwoods like pallet wood have become very trendy recently. Unfortunately, these designs tend to date quickly and inexpensive materials like pallet wood are difficult to maintain.

For enduring style and durability, there is no substitute for high-quality natural woods. When you select a genuine reclaimed American hardwood for your project, you are choosing a wood with a proven pedigree for toughness, resilience, and beauty that only gets better with age.

E.T. Moore is one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast. We specialize in rare turn-of-the-century reclaimed heart pine lumber and other high-quality antique hardwood products.

All of our reclaimed woods are expertly graded, milled to the highest standard, and stored indoors at our five-acre facility in Richmond, Virginia to ensure the best materials for your project.

Continue the legacy and extend the life of these classic American hardwoods by making them part of your own story. Contact us today or click below to learn more about our unmatched range of unique reclaimed wood products perfect for your project.

Reclaimed Lumber

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 31, 2023

Why Reclaimed Wood is the Best Wood Floor for Kitchens

A newly renovated kitchen with reclaimed wood flooring, which is the best wood floor for a kitchen.

Reclaimed wood flooring brings natural beauty, warmth, and a unique character to any interior space—but will it stand up to the everyday rigors of kitchen use? Yes! Here’s why choosing quality reclaimed materials can give you the best wood floor for your kitchen.

Taking the Heat: Reclaimed Wood Flooring for Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is the heart of your home and a natural gathering place for family and friends. It’s a vibrant, busy area where it’s worth investing a little extra on durable, premium materials that you’ll come into contact with every day.

Family kitchens can be a demanding environment with heavy foot traffic, higher heat and humidity from cooking, and plenty of wear and tear from inevitable bumps, scrapes, spills, and drops. While homeowners appreciate the unique beauty of reclaimed wood floors, many wonder if it’s suitable for the rigors of everyday use in the kitchen.

In fact, reclaimed wood sourced by a reputable supplier has proved its strength and toughness as the preferred material for flooring in buildings used as factories, warehouses, and schools. It’s ready for the next chapter of service, bringing beauty and durability to your kitchen.

Put Down a Marker for Quality

Whether you’re installing original recovered flooring, a more engineered solution, or E.T. Moore’s custom-milled tongue and groove products, here’s why well-sourced and treated reclaimed wood is a great material for your kitchen floor.


Reclaimed woods are by definition durable woods. Chosen originally for their strength and toughness as heavy-duty flooring or construction materials, these are often higher quality, old-growth woods that have stood the test of time over decades or even centuries. Treated properly, they will continue to handle years of everyday kitchen use.


The best reclaimed woods, such as original East Coast heart pine, boast tight grains and long fibers that give flooring superior year-round stability. When treated and installed properly, these woods offer resistance to swelling, shrinking, or movement unmatched by many other natural materials —even when exposed to the elevated heat and moisture of the kitchen environment.


The natural spring and slight give of genuine elevated hardwood flooring provide a surface that is a delight to walk on and more forgiving on the back and legs, especially if you spend long hours on your feet preparing food in the kitchen. Look for long pieces of high-quality reclaimed wood for the best results.

Easy to Clean

High-quality reclaimed pine and other smooth, tight-grained reclaimed woods make a naturally easy-to-clean flooring ideal for kitchens. When treated with durable modern finishes, most floors can be vacuumed or swept and treated with a damp mop as required. Use a light natural cleaner to remove minor scuffs.

 beautiful wood floors in an eat-in kitchen

Easy to Maintain

The more you invest in a wooden floor, the easier it will be to maintain. Investing in good quality wood flooring will increase the durability of both traditional treatments and modern finishes as well as give you a surface that’s suitable for refinishing in the future.

Warm and Inviting

Wood adds a delightful touch of nature to any interior. In a kitchen, it’s ideal for softening the exposed steel or hard edges of contemporary appliances and modern design.

Timeless and Always in Fashion

Kitchen design is constantly changing and once hip concepts can fade quickly. But premium wooden flooring never goes out of style, especially if it comes with the built-in pedigree of reclaimed wood. Choosing genuine reclaimed wood flooring helps to “future-proof” your kitchen design and therefore is a great long-term investment in timeless style.

Wood Wears Well

Good reclaimed wood offers great durability and resistance to wear but is not impervious. It’s important to realize that even the best quality woods will begin to wear over time, especially in a busy area like the kitchen. Part of the unique appeal of reclaimed wood is this record of everyday life, both past and present, left behind in the texture of the wood itself.

That said, there are a few things you can do to keep your reclaimed wood kitchen flooring looking better for longer:

  • Choose a matte rather than high-gloss finish to hide minor scratches and marks
  • Choose engineered or precision-milled products for maximum durability and stability
  • Choose a reputable supplier like E.T. Moore who knows how to source, treat, and finish the finest quality reclaimed woods.

The Best Wood Floor for the Kitchen

nail hole heart pine kitchen floors

Reclaimed wood flooring brings to your home both proven durability plus a particular beauty and patina that reflects its unique past. When you choose to install reclaimed wood flooring at the heart of your home—and to use, maintain and even restore it over the years—you’ll be adding your own chapter to an ever richer story.

E.T. Moore is one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast. We specialize in turn-of-the-century reclaimed heart pine flooring and other high-quality antique hardwood products. We offer:

  • A wide selection of quality off-the-shelf reclaimed wood floorings
  • Custom matching from our unrivaled on-site stock of reclaimed lumber
  • Custom milling and molding services
  • Decades of experience in sourcing and grading the best reclaimed woods

Click below to learn more about how E.T. Moore can help you find quality reclaimed flooring that meets all of your expectations.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring

Author Taylor Moore III
Date February 22, 2023

Guide to Reclaimed Wood Beam Finishes

New Kent Winery - Old Rustic Support Beams

Reclaimed wood beams offer unparalleled beauty and durability. They can transform an otherwise dull room into something of interest. When selecting the right beams for your project, several finish and style options are available, such as hand hewn and rough sewn.

This guide will help you better understand wood beam finishes and styles and how to pair them with a reclaimed wood beam.

Rustic Wood Beam Styles

Modern sawmills didn’t exist when reclaimed wood was first harvested. Back then, it wasn’t called “reclaimed,” but rather, it was a particular species of wood used as a support beam for a barn or an industrial-era manufacturing plant.

At E.T. Moore, we have one of the widest selections of reclaimed wood beams on the market. There are many style options to choose from, including:

  • Original finish beams—this style of beam looks precisely as it did when in the barn or antique structure. We have not processed it further.
  • Hand-hewn beams—the woodcutter used a hand ax to square the wood. These consist of countless tiny cuts that add character to the beam.
  • Rough sawn beams—these beams were cut using a circular saw. They have a coarse texture characteristic of the large saw used to cut them.
  • S4S planed smooth beam—this smooth beam has received a rip on both edges and surfaced on both faces. The end result is a smooth board with two flat and parallel edges and two flat and parallel faces.

We also carry faux wood beams, such as steel or laminated. They offer a slightly more affordable way of creating the 100-year-old faux ceiling appearance. Choose from a wide range of our finished board stock to wrap your undesirable materials.

Wood Beam Finishes

While reclaimed wood is highly durable, there are only a few approved finish products on the market. At E.T. Moore, we carry the following finish options:

Waterlox Original Sealer / Finish

Waterlox Original Sealer and Finish

This Tung oil finish creates a protective and elastic barrier against moisture, foot traffic, and common household spills. This is Waterlox's oldest interior finish—it was originally formulated in 1910 and provides excellent adhesion to reclaimed wood beams.

Waterlox Original Satin Finish

Waterlox Original – Satin Finish

This low gloss level formulation offers a sturdy and elastic barrier to everyday household spills and foot traffic. There is no preparation needed—you can use this product straight out of the can with applicators such as lambswool.

Waterlox Original High Gloss Finish

Waterlox Original High Gloss Finish

This high gloss finish tung oil is meant to be used in conjunction with Waterlox Original Sealer/Finish. It provides a high 85° gloss level and is very easy to apply.

Waterlox Original Marine Sealer

Waterlox Original Marine Finish

This traditional exterior Tung oil spar varnish offers a high gloss finish and provides excellent protection against moisture, harsh weather, and sun/UV rays.

Reclaimed Wood Design Style Tips

Reclaimed wood beams are known for their stunning allure and rugged durability. However, there are a few design tips that will allow you to match the finish to your room perfectly:

  • Choose a Dominant Tone—Mixing wood tones is perfectly fine. However, be sure to select a dominant tone and allow the other ones to accentuate it.
  • Experiment with Contrast—Contrast can add mystery, intrigue, and make certain pieces stand out even more than usual. For example, let’s say you have an antique wooden chair with dark overtones. Pair it with a light color reclaimed wooden floor to draw more attention.
  • Use Accents to Prevent Blending—If some of your furniture pieces match the color of your wooden beams, there’s a chance they could disappear. Consider using accents such as a wall rug or other pieces to break up the color.
  • Consider the Undertones—Take a look at your dominant wood tone. Is it cool, warm, or neutral? Stay within the same undertones to create continuity and allow everything to blend seamlessly.
  • Wash, Rinse, Repeat—Once you’ve found a style that works for you, continue with it! For example, if you have light-colored beams, consider getting chairs with the same-colored legs. Repeat this pattern twice to ensure your entire room looks well put together.
  • Consider Natural Light Finishes—These types of finishes can create a bit of contrast and brighten the room. Light finishes create an airy and warm look when paired with linen sofas or chairs.

Reclaimed Wood From E.T. Moore

You can transform an otherwise plain and dull room with the right combination of reclaimed wood beam styles and finishes. At E.T. Moore, we have one of the largest selections of reclaimed wood in the Mid-Atlantic area. Click below to learn more.

Reclaimed Wood Beams

Author Taylor Moore III
Date September 6, 2022

How Much Does Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring Cost?

Top-quality materials can turn a great project into a timeless classic, but how much does a premium product like reclaimed heart pine flooring cost? In this article, we take a look at what goes into determining your heart pine price per board foot.

Bring Home History: Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring Cost

Family Room that Fits the Whole Family

Reclaimed heart pine flooring comes with a history and character all its own, while its strength and durability mean it will only get better with age. While you will pay more for genuine reclaimed heart pine woods, you’re nailing down a product that will add value to a property for decades to come.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that go into pricing reclaimed heart pine.

Limited Stock, Unlimited Possibilities

Heart pine from the original longleaf pine forests of the eastern seaboard was prized for its strength, stability, and durability. From the 1700s through to the early 1900s it was used to build the mills, factories, schools, and homes that became America. Today those ancient forests are gone, but their wood is increasingly prized for its beauty and historical significance.

Reputable wood reclamation companies like E.T. Moore are always excited to discover a new source of quality reclaimed wood. It’s one more chance to preserve a unique part of our heritage by making it part of our lives today. That said, two factors play a big role in determining how much any collection of raw reclaimable wood is worth:

  • Rarity and Size: The highest-quality heart pine is often the oldest, harvested when large trees were still plentiful. Large pieces of undamaged old-growth timber are increasingly rare and fetch a premium price.
  • Grade-ability: Raw reclaimed wood comes as large beams, round and square columns, and floor and roof decking. This needs to be turned into lumber that can be easily installed and used in modern construction[a]. Up to 55% of a reclaimed lot can be lost after the wood is sawed, straight-lined, end-trimmed and milled, meaning we buy twice as much wood as we sell.

Wood reclaimers also need to estimate how much any demolition work will cost, as well as the cost of cleaning the recovered wood, removing nails and bolts, and eliminating any rot.

Top Grades for Quality

Once raw reclaimed wood has been sorted, cleaned, and milled, a number of other factors become important in pricing a lot for sale.

Overall Quality

How much of the lot is genuine heartwood from the center of large old-growth pine trees? Heartwood is the hardest wood in a tree and has the tightest grain, making it both durable and stable. The more heartwood, the more a lot is worth.

Grain Density

The more dense the grain of a tree, the harder the wood. Close, dense grain develops in large trees that grow slowly over hundreds of years and gives the wood hardness, weight, stability, and an unmatched texture

Grain Orientation

Grain can also be classified according to whether it is straight or “combed” or whether it is part of long loops that form around knots and have a “cathedral” arch-like look on boards. Combed grain gives the most consistent look across a lot, but cathedral grain adds interest and texture.

Grain Pattern

Grain is also affected by the way boards were cut at the saw mill and this in turn depended on the size of the original timber. Plain cut boards are sliced across the whole width of the log while rift or quarter sawn boards are cut along different axes of sectioned timber.

Saw patterns work with grain to give a unique pattern to the ends of boards and also affect the strength and stability of boards.


Knots are formed where boughs grew out from the original trunk. Larger trees with more heartwood will be less affected by knots, leaving the grain unblemished and allowing a more consistent appearance in the wood. While more knots mean less heartwood (and in new wood can potentially fall out), knots can bring their own particular beauty to a collection of wood.

At E.T. Moore we price our wood according to the individual knot size and the number of knots in a board. We can sometimes offer a custom option with “negligible knots” but it is impossible to eliminate knots from a lot entirely.

Nail Holes

Nails often leave behind an area of discoloration or iron staining around the original wood. Extensive nail hole marks will reduce the consistency many buyers seek for large areas of flooring or paneling, but other clients seek out the weathered, rustic appearance of this lumber.

Similar to knots, reclaimed heart pine flooring costs are based on the size and frequency of nail holes in a typical board and are sometimes able to offer custom options with fewer holes.


Reclaimed wood lots need to be graded as a whole, meaning individual pieces may differ or be “out of grade” from the balance of the lot. Hardwood lumber grading defines the number of board faces that meet a particular standard. The more exposed sides wood will have, for instance in a door or a window frame, the higher the lumber grade lumber you will require.

Saw Marks, Milling Quality, and Demo Damage

The quality and consistency that a reclaimer can bring to milling a reclaimed wood lot, and any unavoidable demo damage will also affect the final price. At the same time, our Circle Sawn lumber gives a unique rough-cut look to reclaimed pine and other products.

Made to Measure

Unlike new lumber, which can be ordered to a standard grade and size, reclaimed lumber lots are typically sold as “random" widths and lengths. This is because the process of recovering, cleaning, milling, and grading reclaimed wood makes it very difficult to produce a consistent number of boards of any set size.

Where customers need a particular width or length, E.T. Moore can supply a wide selection of custom-sized boards with widths up to 12 inches and lengths up to 20 feet.

Country Kitchen - Number 1 Grade Heart Pine Flooring

E.T. Moore: Your Partner in Quality

taylor moore selecting heart pine lumber
founder, E. Taylor Moore, Jr., who personally selects each heart pine beam to be processed at our facilities.

E.T. Moore offers the largest selection of reclaimed heart pine woods in the country. We hold a vast inventory of top-quality precision-milled grades at our facility in Richmond, VA.

While you will always pay more for genuine heart pine it is always “cheap at the price” to add your own chapter to a true piece of American heritage.

Prices for our classic Number 1 Grade start at about $12.50 per square foot, while our premium Select and Select Edge Grain heart pine start at about $16 per square foot and $19 per square foot respectively.

We also currently offer a sale price of $7.25 square foot for our Number 2 Grade Heart Pine.

Learn more about E.T. Moore’s unmatched range of reclaimed heart pine products below.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 24, 2022

The Problem With Most Sources for Reclaimed Wood

A homeowner chose a reputable source for reclaimed wood when selecting new flooring for their dining room.

Many people turn to the internet when searching for sources for reclaimed wood. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can find and buy it at major hardware stores, Craigslist, Etsy, and other online retailers.

However, you often don’t get what you think you’re paying for—and in many cases, you get useless wood that won’t stand up to the test of time. Rot, discoloration, and poor quality control are a few of the many issues you can run into.

Read on to learn more about the potential pitfalls of buying reclaimed wood online and how to ensure you’re getting the real deal.

Caveat Emptor

It’s no secret that reclaimed wood that’s harvested, processed, and sold by reputable dealers can be pricier than other sources. As with all things expensive in life—scammers will find a way to profit off unsuspecting people. Scams range from gluing reclaimed wood veneer over cheap lumber to high-quality polyurethane replicas from overseas.

There are several reasons why reclaimed lumber tends to cost more. For starters, it gets harder every year to find new sources of reclaimed lumber to meet consumers' insatiable demand. It also takes considerable time and the skills of a master craftsman to harvest and process old barn wood into usable reclaimed lumber.

If you find an online reclaimed wood deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Quality Control Problems

a man searches the internet for the best sources for reclaimed wood

You might think you’re getting a bargain when you search the internet for “free barn wood Craigslist” or “free reclaimed wood near me.” However free is never truly free.

You’ll need to hire someone to process the “free” wood or do it yourself. Reclaimed wood is often chock full of nails that you’ll need to remove before you can cut or mill it smooth—and that will require using an industrial milling machine for the best chances of success.

It’s not unusual for old, dilapidated barns and buildings to have holes in the roof that leak water. The wood soaks it up, leading to bug infestations and higher-than-expected moisture levels. Reclaimed wood with high moisture content will shrink when installed in your home, leaving very noticeable gaps in your flooring and woodwork.

The lower-cost material you order will often show up on the job site at a far lower quality than the original design specified. As such, you’ll wind up having to order more to replace what was rejected. Most people don’t realize that when purchasing raw materials, there is a 50% loss in converting them into a finished product.

Inventory Problems

Buying reclaimed wood from Etsy or another internet source can lead to inventory issues. For example, many smaller dealers will take a deposit and physically go out into the field to find the raw material.

The grade depends on the luck of the draw and what they happen to find—not what you expect and paid for. Often, the product description will not match the delivered material, and the lack of inventory also does not allow for consistent grades.

Ultimately, you may have to change the design you want to fit the limited supply of materials they have on hand.

Delivery Problems

Most Craigslist and Etsy reclaimed wood sellers have an actual day job and consider their “reclaimed wood business” as a side venture that they only work at on nights and weekends. This means they often don’t have the storage space to hold on to your material—you may be forced to take an early delivery and rent storage space until you’re ready to install.

Like all lumber, reclaimed wood is heavy. Shipping costs to a job site can be expensive, and smaller dealers often can’t deliver or arrange delivery. At E.T. Moore, we get up to a 65% shipping discount and pass those savings on to our customers.

Tips for Getting High-Quality Reclaimed Wood

the best source for reclaimed wood for your next home project is a reputable reclaimed wood dealer

Reclaimed wood is very popular due to its beauty and rugged durability. The premium price you pay covers raw material sourcing, transport, and proprietary processing into something of value and beauty.

Here are a few tips on how to ensure you’re getting genuine and high-quality reclaimed wood that will last for generations to come:

  • Ask for pictures of the facility and raw materials. A red flag should go up in your mind if they can’t provide photos of where they process and store the materials.
  • Ask to see current orders in production—Google “EXIF Viewer” to find a free online tool that will allow you to upload the photos they send to view the timestamp to ensure it wasn’t taken several years ago.
  • Look at their Google/etc. reviews. Consider the number of people who have reviewed their business and look for pictures that customers have posted of the facility. These unedited photos will give you an excellent idea of the supplier.
  • Look for modern equipment at their location. Milling machines, sanders, saws, forklifts, buildings—this will indicate if you’re working with a serious operation or a part-timer.
  • Forklifts are expensive, and many smaller companies use cheaper skid steers or pallet jacks to move the lumber around. This is a very inefficient way of moving, grading, and sorting lumber; these inefficiencies will often carry over into other production areas.
  • Don’t trust pretty finished job site photos. Everyone in this business has worked on high-end projects fitting for major magazines.

Reclaimed Wood From E.T. Moore

A lot of time, money, and effort goes into sourcing, processing, and storing reclaimed wood. To eliminate nasty surprises and potentially spending more than you originally bargained for, avoid buying reclaimed wood from online suppliers. It’s just not worth the risk.

At E.T. Moore, we’re one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast. We can get you the size, quality, quantities, and grades of lumber that you need to complete your project. Click below to learn more about our reclaimed wood flooring and lumber products.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 20, 2022

Reclaimed Heart Pine vs. Yellow Pine

A family room floor made of reclaimed heart pine adds a warm touch to the room.

The beauty of both reclaimed heart pine and sustainable yellow pine make both woods popular choices for flooring. But what’s the difference between these two woods and what are the relative advantages of either one when it comes to your renovation or new build project?

Into the Woods: Reclaimed Heart Pine vs. Yellow Pine

The woods commonly known as heart pine and yellow pine are from similar trees with very different histories.

Heart Pine

Heart pine refers to mature longleaf pine harvested from trees up to 400 years old. These trees grew widely across the south-eastern States and were valued for the hardness and beauty of their heartwood.

Heart pine was widely used for flooring in homes and factory buildings along the East Coast, especially after the Civil War. By 1920 almost all of the original old-growth forests had been harvested, with exploitation hastened by the development of circular saws that could be powered by water or steam.

Heart pine takes many decades to mature, and today the major source for true mature heart pine is from lumber and flooring recovered from older buildings.

Yellow Pine

Yellow pine usually refers to less mature wood from second-growth replanted forests of southern short-leaf or loblolly pine. These trees take 30-40 years to grow to a harvestable size. The golden wood is softer than heart pine and lacks the distinctive reddish interior grain.

Southern yellow pine has been widely used for lumber and flooring since World War II, although it should not be confused with the western Ponderosa pine or white pine varieties. Its rapid growth and suitability for use in commercial plantations mean it’s a popular and renewable source of timber for construction and flooring, although quality does vary.

Different Strokes: Reclaimed Heart Pine vs. Yellow Pine

Both reclaimed heart pine and yellow pine offer appealing qualities for use in flooring. Each however has unique qualities that are better suited for particular contexts.


Good quality heart pine offers a mix of golden sapwood and darker heartwood. Most heart pine today is reclaimed wood, meaning it has been recovered from older buildings when they are renovated or demolished.

Genuine reclaimed heart pine comes with a particular history that adds to its beauty, including nail holes, oxidation, or even the distinctive swirls left by early circular saws.

Yellow pine, however, is usually all sapwood, and its color brings a warm glow to every room it’s used in. Since these trees are usually younger and smaller than the original longleaf pines, they generally have fewer knots than heartwood and their growth lines aren’t as dense.


Reclaimed heart pine is significantly harder than yellow pine because of its tighter grain and greater age. Heart pine measures around 1225 on the Janka scale for assessing the hardness of wood, compared with around 870 for yellow pine.

Hardness and durability are why heart pine has been the go-to choice for centuries for everything from shipbuilding to construction, and why heart pine lasts so well, even after decades of punishment.

Bundles of reclaimed heart pine are stacked and ready to be shipped.

The softer sapwood of yellow pine will not wear quite as well as heart pine, but well-aged and seasoned wood will last for decades if well cared for. Its softness also gives yellow pine more flexibility, making it a popular and affordable choice for flooring.

Sourcing and Availability

Heart pine is available mainly as reclaimed wood, therefore its supply is finite. While wood reclaimers like E.T. Moore are always working to recover additional supplies of heart pine, there is simply less of this wood to go around, especially in longer lengths of wider grades.

Yellow pine is commercially grown and widely available in a range of lengths and grades. However, quality can vary so again, it pays to work with reputable reclaimers who can access stores of older, better seasoned yellow pine that will age with your building.


Reclaimed heart pine is never cheap, although some varieties, such as those with historic nail holes or darker knots are more affordable. Prices for heartwood generally run from two to four times that of a similar grade of quality yellow pine, if available. And, if you insist on custom milling boards of heartwood to your specifications, the cost can be many times higher.

Yellow pine is an affordable choice that outperforms many cheaper woods. Maintain it well and it will serve you for many years while acquiring a luster and character all of its own.


If you are renovating or adding to a house dating from the 1940s onwards, it is likely any pine flooring is yellow pine (although possibly also white pine or fir). E.T. Moore will be able to match this well with a suitable grade and color of new growth yellow pine.

If your project dates from the 1920s or older, we will match this with a suitable grade of heart pine. It’s not possible to match a yellow pine with a heart pine in any grade.

E.T. Moore: Your Source for Quality Heart Pine vs. Yellow Pine

Original Finish Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring

At E.T. Moore, we offer an unrivaled ability to match both reclaimed and new growth pine with quality stock—it's why we’re called in to source flooring for historical restoration projects. The difference lies in our experience in sourcing hard-to-find woods and the depth of our huge on-site inventory of carefully stored reclaimed wood.

We can match several varieties of quality reclaimed heart pine in different grades for your special construction or restoration. We also supply sustainably grown and harvested yellow pine and custom milling to provide a premium option for new build projects.

Click below to learn more.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date July 27, 2022

6 Reclaimed Wood Flooring Installation Mistakes to Avoid

A beautiful heart pine reclaimed wood installation in a den and kitchen brings old-world charm to a new construction.

Sourcing great quality reclaimed wood for your flooring project is only half the job. Reclaimed wood flooring installation is an art in and of itself. Here are some common installation mistakes to avoid.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring Installation: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

You’ve sourced just the right grade of beautiful reclaimed wood for your renovation or new build flooring—but that’s only the first step. Just as important is a deft, meticulous installation job that brings out the unique character of your reclaimed wood floor.

Reclaimed wood flooring installation is a combination of art, careful planning, and execution. Whether you’re working with a professional or doing the work yourself, here are six common wood flooring mistakes to avoid to make the most of your investment in reclaimed wood flooring.

1. Don’t Skimp on Your Subfloor

Your subfloor is critical to making sure your reclaimed wood floor presents as beautifully as it should. So take the time to ensure your existing subfloor is solid, undamaged, and not warped or subsiding. For new build projects, don’t think you can skimp on subfloor quality just because you won’t see the subfloor!

Use the best quality wood products you can afford to avoid swelling and warping when exposed to moisture. Work with professional installers or structural engineers to ensure your subfloor is sound. This will help extend the life of your reclaimed wood floor by avoiding problems such as creaking, sinking, and uneven surfaces.

2. Moisture Content: Make Sure to Manage It

Wood is a living product that swells and shrinks as it absorbs and releases moisture. A well-executed installation needs to take this into account at every step. It’s most important to ensure that your entire reclaimed wood stock and sub-flooring contain consistent moisture contents during installation.

Forgetting to account for moisture levels in wood can cause several problems, including:

  • Gapping — While small gaps will widen and close slightly as your floor “breathes,” permanent gaps can appear if moisture levels are inconsistent during installation.
  • Compression set — Boards that swell against others can become crushed. When the boards dry out and shrink, this deformation remains, leading to uneven gapping.
  • Panelization — A section of floor can develop abnormal gaps related to movement or swelling in the sub-floor beneath it, especially around heating vents and water pipes.
  • Sidebonding — Inconsistent gaps between boards that have shrunk but are still partially bonded together by finishes, particularly by water-based products or adhesive used in glue-down installations.

Moisture levels can be kept consistent by:

  • Installing floors in the spring and fall when humidity levels are not too high or low
  • Acclimatizing flooring by storing it on-site for several days before installation
  • Using a moisture meter to check that wood stocks have similar moisture contents

3. Don’t Assume Your Rooms are Square

While good milling will make your reclaimed floor as square as possible, that doesn’t mean the rest of your house is. Every building has slightly bowed walls and angles that aren’t square, which can be severe in older homes. The long straight lines of hardwood flooring can accentuate these imperfections if not placed thoughtfully.

Measuring rooms carefully can help avoid:

  • Sight-lines that call attention to bowed or out-of-square walls
  • Unsightly angles where board ends meet
  • Awkward rip cuts to make boards fit

4. Crooked Boards

Even with careful measuring, you can still end up with flooring that doesn’t line up with your walls. This can happen if:

  • Flooring slips out of alignment during installation; small errors can quickly be compounded as boards are added
  • Foot traffic is allowed onto glue-down installations before the adhesive has had time to set
  • Flooring is added to an existing floor without checking it is straight
  • Reclaimed wood flooring is poorly milled with crooked edges or board ends

5. Bad Racking

Racking refers to the order in which boards are laid and is the heart of the wood floorer’s art. A good racker will plan out an entire project before nailing down a single board to allow the whole floor layout to be seen ahead of time. The racker will then use a mix of standard and shorter beams to create a seamless, seemingly random placement of beam ends and intersections.

Among other problems, bad racking can often result in:

  • Beam ends that line up too closely
  • Groups of right angles or beam ends in conspicuous places
  • Boards laid crossways rather than lengthways in narrow spaces

6. Too Few Nails

Make sure lots of nails are used during your reclaimed wood flooring installation to accommodate for shrinking and expanding throughout the seasons.

Think you have enough nails laid? Think again! Even if it seems solid today, the floor will expand and shrink with the seasons. The more nails you have in place, the better to keep everything locked down for years. Trust us and do the extra work now—you’ll be grateful every time you don’t hear a creak!

Get Reclaimed Wood Floors Right With E.T. Moore

Most common flooring mistakes can be avoided by working with a respected flooring supplier like E.T. Moore. As reclaimed wood specialists, we have over 50 years of experience in successfully matching quality reclaimed stock with existing flooring.

We offer an unrivaled on-site selection of reclaimed wood products including:

  • Several varieties of heart pine
  • Old-growth Tidewater red cypress
  • Eastern white pine
  • Antique hemlock and spruce

All of our reclaimed woods are milled to the highest standard and stored indoors at our five-acre facility in Richmond, Virginia, to ensure quality and manage moisture content.

Click below to learn about how E.T. Moore can help you nail down a great reclaimed wood floor!

Reclaimed Wood Flooring
Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 30, 2022

Why Is Reclaimed Wood So Expensive?

Original Finish Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring

Reclaimed wood has seen a massive surge in popularity over the past few years, and it’s easy to see why. It’s environmentally friendly, has unique characteristics, and is extremely strong and durable.

You might have noticed that the cost of reclaimed wood tends to be somewhat on the expensive side—this is due to the labor of love and expert craftsmanship that goes into creating it. Read on to learn why is reclaimed wood so expensive.

What Is Reclaimed Wood?

Many barns and older buildings on the Eastern Seaboard were originally constructed out of the heartwood of 150 to 400-year-old Longleaf Pine trees. This type of wood is durable, resistant to rot, and very strong. As time went by, the once-vast forests of Longleaf Pine trees dwindled to just a few small groves.

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to get virgin Longleaf Pine heartwood—unless you salvage it from an antique building. Construction crews and reclaimed wood specialists like E.T. Moore will come in, demolish the building, and salvage the best pieces of wood.

Original Finish Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring

The Demolition Process

Demolishing a building to obtain reclaimed wood is no easy task. You first need to find a suitable building and then examine it to ensure the original wood is in salvageable condition. It then takes several weeks to several months of hard, backbreaking labor.

As the building comes down piece by piece, workers take special care to identify and salvage desirable pieces of wood that they will eventually turn into beams, paneling, and flooring. Once the demolition is complete, the salvaged wood is then loaded onto a truck and shipped to the E.T. Moore warehouse, where it will undergo a series of processing and refinement steps:


The salvaged wood often has many rusted nails sticking out of it. Before processing work can begin, a team of workers will spend upwards of 50 to 60 hours removing the nails. There’s no machine in the world that can perform this task—it’s all done by hand.


After the nails have been removed, a team of expert graders will visually inspect each piece of wood and use a proprietary formula to determine the best way to maximize the yield for standard 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, and 8/4 lumber. Customized Woodmizer and Esterer saws are then used for rough-sawn products.

Original Finish Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring

Defects in the edges and ends are trimmed to maximize each board's widest possible width and remove any remaining blemishes. Once finished, the boards undergo a secondary grading process that includes re-checking for moisture for quality control purposes.

Kiln Drying

Depending on the species or type of reclaimed wood, it may undergo further processing. For example, Old Growth Tidewater Red Cypress Lumber gets slow cured outside for six months and then moved to a passive solar kiln for another six months of treatment.

Product Creation

Finally, we send the reclaimed wood through our state-of-the-art molder machine to create molding, custom flooring, and paneling.

Limited Supply & High Demand

Another factor that significantly contributes to reclaimed wood cost is that it’s a finite resource. Antique barns and Industrial-Era textile mills slated for demolition are getting fewer in number with each passing year. Reclaimed wood is sustainable and environmentally friendly, making it very attractive to those who want to build with a green resource.

How to Keep Reclaimed Wood Costs Down

There are a few things that you can do to keep costs down. For example, E.T. Moore has four primary grades that are priced differently:

We also have sub-grades that have a bit more “character” but are less expensive than our main grades:

All Heart Nail Hole Heart Pine and No. 2 Heart Pine Flooring are two of the more cost-effective grades of Reclaimed Heart Pine.

E.T. Moore Reclaimed Wood

Reclaimed wood costs more due to the amount of manual effort and expert craftsmanship that goes into salvaging and processing. At E.T. Moore, we’re one of the biggest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast.

Our proprietary salvaging and processing processes allow us to provide our clients with a wide range of unique and beautiful antique wood products. Click below to learn more about our reclaimed wood lumber and flooring products.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 8, 2022

5 Problems With Reclaimed Wood

reclaiming old logs for specialty lumber needs

Reclaimed wood offers a unique, durable, and environmentally friendly alternative for flooring, woodwork, or building. However, there are some problems with reclaimed wood you should be aware of before you embark on a project.

E T Moore worker denailing a large heart pine beam
removing nails from reclaimed beam

Problems to Look Out For With Reclaimed Wood

Beautifully restored reclaimed wood adds something special to a building or room, but sourcing good quality stock comes with some serious potential hazards and pitfalls. Working with a reputable professional wood reclaimer can help you avoid problems.

1. Nails and staples

Old nails, pegs, and staples are time-consuming to remove and can cause cuts and scrapes and put you at risk of a tetanus infection.

At E.T. Moore, denailing is a top job for us as professional reclaimers. We spend hours inspecting “new” wood with hand tools and even metal detectors. We know a missed nail can seriously damage a saw and even endanger the operator.

2. Termites

Not only do wood-eating pests like termites damage wood, but bringing untreated reclaimed wood into your house risks spreading the infestation to your existing furniture and walls.

Avoid barn and pallet wood in particular in favor of higher-quality recovered woods.

3. Mold & Mildew

Reclaimed wood may also contain less visible hazards to your health: Mold and mildew: Reclaimed wood that has been exposed to high levels of humidity or moisture may expose your family to mold or mildew spores.

This can lead to respiratory problems, especially among children, elderly people, or asthmatics.

  • Bacteria: Wood that has been used in barns may be contaminated for decades with bacteria from animal waste. Exposure to untreated wood can cause bacterial pneumonia or other illnesses.
  • Reclaimed wood that could be infested with mold or mildew or contaminated with bacteria needs to be professionally treated. It is important also to work with companies that can store reclaimed wood long-term in dry conditions, preferably indoors.

4. Cupping and Warping

Excess moisture also has the potential to cause reclaimed wood to warp or cup. Make sure the wood you choose is a good-quality stock that has been dry stored since it was reclaimed.

At E.T. Moore, we specialize in recovered long-leaf yellow pine and other high-quality heartwoods that are naturally resistant to warping.

5. Variable Grades and Quality

The biggest challenge in using reclaimed wood is sourcing enough wood of a consistent grade or quality to meet your project needs or to match existing stock.

  • Higher-quality woods can be hard to find in wider grades
  • Milling techniques and standards may have changed, and
  • Woods acquire a particular grain or patina as they age, weather, or wear that can be difficult to replicate. To have the look of that era, it needs to come from that era!
plaining old wood to look new

The Best Source for Flooring and Lumber

As the world’s largest producer of vintage heart pine products, E.T. Moore can work with you to source the best products for your project, depending on your particular needs:

  • Flooring: Stock of rare woods such as white oak can be hard to find. An 1850’s floor will be very different from a 1950’s floor. With a huge inventory at our five-acre Richmond site, it’s likely we can replicate what is needed for the best possible match.
  • Lumber: Lower-quality lumber can sometimes be poorly milled or not be available in the grade you need. We are experts at sourcing rare or obscure lumber products. And, with more quality lumber in stock, our customers know what they are getting at the start of a project, allowing them to deliver work of the highest quality on time.
  • Beams: Finding large beams or varied lengths for large projects is a challenge, especially high-quality old-growth timbers that have been properly stored. We know the value of old timber, which means we can supply significant numbers of 30-40 foot structural beams — turning architectural impossibilities into possibilities!
  • Mantels: it takes time to source and finish just the right piece of wood for an eye-catching mantel. While other suppliers may be able to source largely unfinished pieces, we have mantels up to 11 feet wide ready for final finishing to meet your needs.

At E.T. Moore, our experience and our deep inventory of well-seasoned reclaimed heart pine and other woods allow us to match the needs of the most complex and demanding projects for our customers, again and again. We’d love to help meet yours.

Click below to learn more about our reclaimed flooring and lumber products!

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 5, 2022

Case Study: Wright Brothers National Memorial Renovation

When museums throughout the country height="720">

E.T. Moore completed a high-profile, challenging, and complex renovation project for the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor’s Center. This job required strict adherence to an unprecedented 11-page spec sheet that called for large quantities of extremely rare wood delivered under very short lead times.

Wright Brothers National Memorial

Managed by the National Park Service (NPS), the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, commemorates the first flight achievements of Wilbur and Orville Wright. The on-site Visitor’s Center was originally built in the 1960s and had fallen into disrepair over the decades.

The NPS hired the contracting firm Group 3 to remodel the Visitor’s Center back to its original specs. Group 3 reached out to E.T. Moore to undertake the massive job of providing rare and specialized wood for the internal/external siding and wood benches while ensuring compliance with strict LEED standards.

The Challenge

This job presented E.T. Moore with several concurrent challenges. For starters, the National Park Service wanted the new Visitor’s Center to receive a coveted and hard-to-obtain LEED Certification, which certifies environmental friendliness. This meant that only old-growth and local Cypress trees could be sourced.

However, there was a catch—the trees used in the restoration could only be found reclaimed. This meant that the buyers at E.T. Moore had to procure old-growth, local Cypress, and LEED-Certified lumber within a 500-mile radius of the job site.

The Visitor’s Center required extensive wood siding, so much so that delivering it all in one shot would be impossible due to the limited onsite space. The siding also required an exact match of a very old style and unique shiplap pattern.

The LEED Certification inspectors also placed heavy demands upon E.T. Moore. They were required to adhere to a very strict set of rules and material requirements. All materials had to be LEED-Certified Green Materials; otherwise, they could not be used.

The Solution

When museums throughout the country height="720">

E.T. Moore perfectly matched the interior and exterior Cypress shiplap samples and produced 7,500 lineal-feet of siding for the renovation project. Due to the large size of the E.T. Moore facility, they manufactured everything at once and then stored it for incremental shipments to the job site.

This process meant they could easily adhere to the strict timelines and provide as much wood as the project required. If something were to go wrong, the depth and inventory of the facility would enable a very quick turnaround.

The team at E.T. Moore decided upon delivering a few weeks’ worth of wood at a time. Because it was a restoration, they didn’t know exactly how much wood needed to be replaced until the project was completed.

As it turns out, more wood was required than they had originally anticipated. Thanks to their large inventory and streamlined shipping processes, E.T. Moore was easily able to meet this increased scope of work.

The buyers at E.T Moore sourced the rare Cypress wood from trees that had fallen into a nearby swamp 600 to 1,200 years ago. Over the centuries, the wood pulled from the swamp had developed a substance called cypressene, making them extremely durable and ideal for LEED Certification projects.

The Results

Throughout the 5-month project, E.T. Moore continually met the rolling deadlines with multiple shipments. The project came in on budget and the renovation moved forward as planned. In total, the Visitor’s Center at the Wright Brothers National Memorial required over 1.5 miles of reclaimed wood!

Shortly after completion, the Wright Brothers National Memorial received a LEED Gold certification. Group 3 and the National Park Service were very pleased with the results, and the renovated Visitor’s Center at Kitty Hawk now stands as a proud testament to the accomplishments of Orville and Wilbur Wright.

When museums throughout the country height="720">

Let E.T. Moore Supply Your Next Project

Founded in 1969, E.T. Moore is one of the largest reclaimed wood manufacturers on the East Coast. Our large facilities and extensive inventory mean that we can match any sample and provide your project with premium reclaimed wood. Contact us to learn more!<

Author Taylor Moore III
Date December 1, 2021

Our 50th Anniversary Reclaimed Wood Sale!

To celebrate 50 years in business, we’ve scoured our warehouses to find some very special items to make available to our past customers at never before seen savings.

We will be offering these specialty items over the next few months starting with Tidewater Heart Pine. I hope the unique historical character of these fine, mater crafted wood products will inspire you with ideas you can use to add to the character of your home.

Timewater Heart Pint for Sale

Heart Pine

$6.25 sq. ft. (23% off!!)

This reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring grade is in limited supply. It is very popular for flooring, walls, ceilings, and paneling. In the early 1900’s, the material was originally used as pilings for the US Naval Pier in Washington D. C. and was salvaged in 2001. The earth tone colors impregnated into this lumber tells the story of its past service to our country.

View Flooring SelectionView Lumber Selection

Hickory Lumber for Sale


$7.25 sq. ft.

Our Hickory Flooring was sourced from logs and timbered in New Kent County, Virginia. This gave us the ability to control the entire sawing process from logs to flooring. Noted for it's durability, wear resistance and character with it's deep brown heartwood to a creamy white sapwood makes hickory flooring an excellent choice in family homes.

NUmber 2 heart pine for Sale

Number 2 Grade
Heart Pine

$7.25 sq. ft.

This excellent antique Heart Pine grade is popular in cabins, beach houses, and homes built with a Rustic or country look The blend of colors with its varying knots and nail holes reminds you of its past history. This is one of our most economical grades of reclaimed heart pine.

Our designers can help you explore how you can incorporate this material into your home enhancement project. Give them a call at 804-231-1823

Author Taylor Moore III
Date June 28, 2019

NWFA Master Craftsmen Training

E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc. and the National Wood Flooring Association have partnered to bring customized training to you with their “Jigs and Medallions” master class!

NWFA Craftsmen working on heart pine floor design

Enhance Your Knowledge and Technical Training Close to Home

Master Craftsmen Training For the artists and enthusiasts in the wood flooring industry- a course taught by the industry’s most prestigious instructors along with Dr. Daniel Cassens, Professor of Wood Products at Purdue University.

On November 2-3, Gain deeper understanding about:

  • The science and sustainable use of wood
  • Hardwood color issues, mechanical properties, and hardness
  • Unique wood qualities and characteristics
  • Hardwood lumber grading and the lumber drying process
  • Tour E.T. Moore’s facility

On November 4-6, Advance your skills in:

  • Creating decorative pieces using unique wood qualities
  • Producing jigs to reproduce medallions and decorative inlays
  • Drawing and reproducing straight line medallions
  • Take home the medallions you create
    (The medallion value equals the cost of the class.)
Fancy floor design made from heart pine lumber


Three years experience and previous attendance of an Advanced level training.

Receive four CCU’s

Receive four CCU’s upon successful completion of training NWFA Training Events At E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc.

Final custom woodworking wood floor design

Registration Fees:

Master Craftsmen Training: November 2-6 Registration Fees:

  • $975 for non members
  • $875 for NWFA members
  • Early Bird discount before October 19th

Register Today

Call 800.422.4556 or Visit: https://nwfa.users.membersuite.com/home

Dr. Dan Cassens, Professor of Wood Products at the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources from Purdue University to present for us at the November school at ET Moore. Dan has a Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in wood science. He worked at US Forest Products Lab with Regis Miller, the predecessor to Dr. Alex Wiedenhoeft. He has quite the Vitae, and will be an excellent opening to the school we have scheduled.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 26, 2015

Building With Reclaimed Wood, Viniterra Model Home

richmond parade of homes winner
Best Curb Appeal Richmond

This home is designed by William E. Poole, from Wilmington, North Carolina. He is a well seasoned architect who by trade has visited and studied all forms of early American architecture from Natchez, Mississippi thru and to Nantucket, Massachusetts. He is the only architect in America to be licensed to copy and interpret Colonial Williamsburg Buildings for today’s modern living advances, while being true to classical design.

parade of homes gold award

This Nantucket shingle style home is reminiscent of an eighteenth century New England Coastal home that could withstand harsh winters as well as sun, sand and water year round, but architecturally practical, orderly, and pleasing to the” eye”, as they used to say.

parade of homes

Parade of Homes 2014 Winner

  • GOLD
viniterra staircase

This home is being crafted by E. T. Moore Homes, LLC which is a small family owned business that specializes in creating “one of a kind” custom homes that bring together timeless design and a multitude of reclaimed building materials, modern technology, tried and true old world technology, and lastly, a lot of hands on workmanship and attention to detail to achieve a finished product that is seldom seen in today’s super paced society. The founder, E. Taylor Moore, Jr. (who lives only four miles away) visits the project almost every day. He will work with any homeowner or personally select and, in house, manufacture all of the homes finest millwork materials. Mr. Moore has forty years experience in the building and reclaimed wood business.

heart pine family room
master bath award

A sampling of specialty building products include:

  • Reclaimed wood mould sand cast handmade bricks
  • Specialty 16″ wood siding shingles
  • Repurposed heart pine porch columns and beams
  • Brazilian walnut porch steps
  • Custom mahogany doors with beveled glass
  • Custom exterior fascia, soffit, window and door trim
  • All Flashing to be 16 oz. copper; custom site bent.
  • Reclaimed and custom flooring of heart pine, spruce, hickory, lyptus, oak and or cherry accents
  • Stairs to be antique heart pine and mahogany
  • Interior reclaimed ceiling beams in kitchen and great room
  • Moulding including base, shoe, flooring, chair rail, window and door casing, all custom profiles of various reclaimed woods
  • All stainless kitchen appliances
  • Custom shop made cabinetry out of reclaimed woods

Square Feet
5,000 s.f.

From Richmond: 64 East to exit 211. Go left off of ramp and follow signage 1.5 miles to Viniterra.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date October 14, 2014

E.T. Moore Open House & NWFA Intermediate Installation

Wednesday, May 7
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc.
3100 N Hopkins Rd., Suite 101
Richmond, VA 23224


NWFA logo

Attend the E.T. Moore’s Open House and see product demonstrations from NWFA manufacturers, meet company representatives, and win prizes.

There is no cost to attend the OPEN HOUSE and no RSVP required.

NWFA Intermediate Installation and
Sand & Finish School - MAY 6-9

May 6 – May 9

E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc.
3100 N Hopkins Rd., Suite 101
Richmond, VA 23224

Jay Daniel Moore, CISF
Antique Floors LLC
Richmond, VA

$595 for NWFA members

E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc. partners with NWFA to provide you with quality training.

Wood Sanding Lessons

E.T. Moore Manufacturing Inc. has partnered with the National Wood Flooring Association to bring customized training to you. Enhance your technical skills with training close to home.

Intermediate Installation and Sand & Finish is a four-day training event covering different topics and hands-on experiences at an intermediate level.

hardwood floor instllation

Sharpen your installation skills, including job-site evaluation and preparation, installation techniques, safety, custom entry-level borders, and medallion installations.

school for floor installation

Training features a hands-on approach to installing unfinished and factory finished wood floors, including thorough training of installation methods for nail-down, glue-down and floating floors.

Learn how to incorporate simple design elements, allowing you to offer your client a custom wood floor while increasing your portfolio. Learn basic job-site tool set-up and maintenance.

See You There!

hardwood flooring professionals


Watch last year’s NWFA Expert Sand and Finish School at work!

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 7, 2014

NWFA Expert Installation / Sand & Finish School

E. T. Moore Manufacturing, Inc. hosted the NWFA Expert Installation / Sand & Finish School at our facility on Dec 4 – 12 2012. We supplied American Cherry, Lyptus, and End Grain Heart Pine to create the field. The center medallion was created with Hard Maple, and Black Walnut. The finish is Synteko conversion sealer, Synteko Best 20, Synteko Best 50.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date January 16, 2013

E.T. Moore Homes Viniterra Custom Home

E. T. Moore Homes is a wholly owned subsidiary of E. T. Moore Manufacturing, Inc. and turning your dreams into reality is what we set out to accomplish from day one. We listen to your desires, needs, and ideas and then with beautiful designs by one of our recommend, award-winning architects or by a designer of your choice, combine them with exceptional value and long-lasting quality materials.

Our goal was to choose a European old world style home that we could freely and liberally incorporate many of our own specialty building materials. All of our employees that worked full time on the project have an average of 25 years’ experience with construction and antique building materials. We feel as though the unique combination of old world materials and craftsmanship created a finished product that is unparalleled.

Viniterra Custom Home

Exterior Site

  • Lot Selection
  • House Orientation
  • Pool; wrought iron fenced
  • Outdoor kitchen with fireplace
  • Circa 1810 hand cut granite English flower station
  • Professional landscaping
  • Mature trees

Exterior Home Features

  • Roof – Old growth, quarter sawn red cedar shingles with 5″ exposure (instead of 10″)
  • Metal Flashing – Custom Made; All 16 OZ pure copper, open valleys, hips, cheeks, sills, headers, transitions, and window framing
  • Rafter-tails – Custom designed old growth reclaimed red cedar ogee decorative soffit supports. All roof eves “kicked up” 15° in the European manner with timber terminations.
  • Siding, Vertical – Reclaimed rare Atlantic White Cedar boards covered with red cedar battens.
  • Siding, Horizontal – Custom made juniper “live edge” lap; reclaimed – applied with handmade wrought iron nails. Please Note: Both siding applications are more costly than typical brick applications.
  • Windows – Custom made Weather shield European style casement; aluminum exterior, triple mullion and insulation. Custom maple interior.
  • Dormers – Oval top, copper covered; cheeks covered with handmade “fish scale” shingles
  • Porches and Veranda – Reclaimed heart pine oversized columns and beam supports braced by hand cut mortise and tenon curved braces. Floor surface, reclaimed fire brick surrounded by South American cumaru wood.
  • Steps – Circa 1896 hand cut sandstone, reclaimed
  • Exterior Doors – 8 Sets; 1 3/4″ thick x 6′ 8″ tall mahogany French doors. All glass insulated and beveled. All jambs custom made with reclaimed heart pine.
  • 3-Car Garage – True custom made raised panel, remote operated doors with arch tops. Reclaimed wood. All wood mold sand-cast brick reclaimed (c. 1830′s) laid in true Flemish bond and raked joints covering entire garage with copper covered reclaimed wood lentils.
  • Garage Accoutrements – European gable end “birdhouse overhang”; Copper lined, handmade flower box supported by protruding ogee brackets; Copper cupola – 11′ tall 3 stage hand rolled, crimped, and soldered copper.
  • Roof Vents – 8 European attic hand crafted functional copper vents.
  • Chimney Caps – Imported from France; 24″ x 36″ handmade vented copper, integrated with massive 3′ x 6′ Flemish brick chimney.

Interior Home Features

  • Flooring – All reclaimed plank heart pine, South American lyptus and cherry incorporating boarders, feature strips and rhombus patterns in contrasting grain orientation by nationally known flooring installation and finish expert.
  • Great Room & Master Bedroom – Vaulted 18′ x 15′ ceilings accented with 6 x 6 reclaimed beams.
  • Doors – All doors solid mahogany, two double raised panels with European arched top. All premium figured wood. All jambs custom made heart pine.
  • Wall Thickness – All exterior walls 6″, interior walls 4″, 6″ and 12″ thickness for old world feel and additional insulation.
  • Wainscot – Master bedroom, great room, and dining room finished with circular-sawn reclaimed original finish heart pine paneling.
  • Casing – All window and door, two member custom milled trim with back band, heart pine.
  • Trim – Base, shoe, chair rail, all reclaimed custom milled.
  • Closets – All custom made with local reclaimed eastern aromatic red cedar.
  • Kitchen – Sub Zero refrigerator, Bosch dishwasher, icemaker, wine cooler, microwave, imported French “CornuFe” cast and enamel professional cook stove.
  • Kitchen – Custom fabricated copper hood and backsplash, custom designed cabinetry with antique wood, soft close hardware, under counter lighting, tree member crown tops.
  • Kitchen – Counter Tops – Butcher-block style (reclaimed rock maple from bowling alleys) with walnut double profile edge treatment, copper sink and faucet ensemble in massive island.
  • Kitchen – English two tiered beamed ceiling over kitchen and breakfast nook.


We will work with your builder or architect to provide the industries finest materials.

For more information visit our website, etmoore.com or call Ashley Moore or David Jackson at 804-231-1823.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 12, 2012

Pinterest Images

We will be posting images here that would be interesting on Pinterest

Sinker Cypressold growth cypresstidewater red cypress
This Surfboard was built by our customer to be displayed in a Nags Head Beach House
Sinker Cypressold growth cypresstidewater red cypress
Our customer’s can create anything
heart pine door reclaimed heart pine
Hotel Side Entrance door to Grande Real Santa Eulália Hotel
We supply material to restore and replicate many of the outbuildings and structures on George Washington's estate
We supply material to restore and replicate many of the outbuildings and structures on George Washington’s estate
cumaru deck beach house deck
Cumaru Deck in Va. Beach
heart pine timberheart pine beam heart pine flooringviniterrastaircase
The New Kent Winery was built by E. T. Moore Homes with 80% reclaimed materials
heart pine timberheart pine beam heart pine flooringviniterrastaircase
heart pine timber-frame and select edge grain flooring
heart pine timberheart pine beam heart pine flooringviniterra
The sales center at Viniterra was built created with antique heart pine timbers and reclaimed heart pine number 1 grade flooring
reclaimed heart pine table antique heart pine table trestle tableorginal finish
Reclaimed Heart Pine Trestle Table
reclaimed heart pine table antique heart pine table trestle tableorginal finish
Reclaimed Heart Pine Trestle Table
reclaimed heart pine door antique heart pine door
Heart Pine columns and beams frame the entrance to the dining hall
The View from the Grande Real Santa Eulalia Hotel Door in Algarve Portugal
The View from the Grande Real Santa Eulalia Hotel Door in Algarve Portugal
reclaimed heart pine door antique heart pine door
The Grande Real Santa Eulalia Hotel Room Door in Algarve Portugal
Reclaimed Brown Board Heart Pine TableTop
This is Reclaimed Brown Board Heart Pine Table Top that we custom made for a client. Our Cabinet Shop can turn dreams into reality!
Author Taylor Moore III
Date May 1, 2012

Pit Sawing Reclaimed Longleaf Heart Pine Flooring

E. T. Moore MFG was asking to pit saw 400 SQ FT of Reclaimed Long Leaf Heart Pine flooring for a museum. This is all vertical reclaimed heart pine flooring, the pit sawn face was gauged and undercut facing the floor joist and not walked on. To reduce the number of cuts, we cut the lumber on our German Sash Gang Sawmill to 3 inches and pit-sawed them in half to the desired 1 1/2 inches. Here at E. T. Moore, anything is possible

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 5, 2012

Rothesay, the 2010 Richmond Symphony Designer House

We are proud to deliver this house over to the homeowners. We are currently looking at designs to start a second house in the near future. Not only do we manufacture all of the building components from antique heart pine flooring, reclaimed beams with antique connection hardware, cabinets, siding, and shingles, our constructions division, E. T. Moore Homes can build the entire package for you. The relationship of manufacturing and building gives us insight and flexibility that few reclaimed lumber dealers and general contractors could ever achieve at the same budget levels.

green building, antique heart pine, reclaimed lumber
The antique brick, and heart pine timbers blend beautifully together.
Green building, reclaimed beams
Front Exterior Elevation
Reclaimed wood cabinet, heart pine, antique wood kitchen, kitchen
These kitchen cabinets were custom designed with select edge grain heart pine rails and styles, original finish panels, and reclaimed bowling alley for the counter tops
Heart pine, reclaimed flooring,
A rhombus patterned floor with antique heart pine and lyptus
reclaimed flooring, endgrain floor, heart pine, heart pine flooring
End grain flooring made from reclaimed heart pine beams
heart pine beams, heart pine timber, heart pine flooring, select grade flooring
Our select grade heart pine flooring blends beautifully with reclaimed timbers and original finish wainscot
antique heart pine, reclaimed timber, reclaimed flooring, rustic,
The original finish floor blends beautifully with the reclaimed beams and custom cabinets
Reclaimed timber, antique heart pine beams, recycled countertop
The counter top is reclaimed bowling alley. The darts and dot are visible on the end.
Custom cabinets, heart pine beam, heart pine cabinet,
Custom designed and built kitchen
Heart pine mantel, rustic beams, original finish, heart pine flooring
Our original finish flooring and antique heart pine beams
Author Taylor Moore III
Date February 3, 2012

The Model House Completion

John K. George did an amazing job transforming Rothesay’s Kitchen for the 2010 Richmond Symphony Designer House. We donated and helped design all of the material to build the Coffered Ceiling. Be sure to look at the before and after pictures.


Antique Fir, Antique Heart Pine Beams, antique timer

The antique heart-pine beams match well with the antique fir paneling. The fir paneling is only 3/8″ thick.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date February 1, 2012

The Model of Viniterra

The Model home, in Viniterra, is nearing completion. The artisans of E. T. Moore Homes are reviving lost traditions in home building and design. Not being satisfied with the quality of many material and components, we choose to manufacture them our self. In the kitchen we custom designed and built the cabinets, and even the copper vent hood above the stove. The counter tops were made from recycled bowling alleys and incorporated the original dots and arrows. In the foyer we installed the floor using a pattern of three diamonds, to create a hexagon; Cad programs were utilized to manufacture the perfect sized diamonds, resulting in even spacing around the perimeter of the foyer. The front and rear steps were reclaimed sandstone window lentils. Throughout the house, we incorporated a very popular product, Original Finish Antique Heart Pine. These boards are specifically chosen for the patina and rustic look to coincide with the French Country architecture. We are proud of this home’ s materials and construction as it sets the standards for the Viniterra Community.

model home
old lumber
barn wood
heart pine lumber
flooring made from heart pine
reclaimed barn wood
strong heart pine lumber
rustic kitchen using old wood
beautiful kitchen with heartpine
Strike up your next meal while sipping on award winning NKW merlot
Strike up your next meal while sipping on award winning NKW merlot
Originial Finish Heart Pine trim with a Medium Backband
Original Finish Heart Pine trim with a Medium Back-band
Details of our custom made cabinets
Details of our custom made cabinets
Antique Sandstone Lentils repurposed as steps
Antique Sandstone Lentils repurposed as steps
Author Taylor Moore III
Date October 11, 2011

Colonial Williamsburg Armoury Crown Moulding

This antique heart pine was hand selected especially for the armory project. We are very proud to help Colonial Williamsburg save and restore a piece of American history.

Webcam of the armory construction

Colonial Williamsburg Lumber Supply
Planing shed at Colonial Williamsburg End Grain View of hand planed crown moulding
Colonial Williamsburg Armory
The new Armory under construction at Colonial Williamsburg
heart pine colonial williamsburg armoury antique heart pine reclaimed lumber
End Grain View of hand planed crown moulding
Author Taylor Moore III
Date September 5, 2011

18th Century Laptop

Heart Pine Antique Laptop
Antique Heart Pine 18th Century Laptop

This Antique Heart Pine laptop used for writing in the field during the 1700′s and 1800′s. The portable desktop measures 20″ x 36″ and weight’s only 2 pounds. It’s surprisingly comfortable to use. Long Leaf Heart Pine was the wood of preference to use because of resistance to warping. Rediscover the past and stop by our showroom to see the uses of this reclaimed lumber throughout history.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 19, 2011

Model House Update

Reclaimed Timbers Beams
Old Growth Western Red Cedar Roof



We have some great shots of our Western Red Cedar Roof and Juniper live edge siding. We are applying a specialized oil, on the roof shingles, that was referred to us by Mt. Vernon

Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 17, 2011

Donated space to Meals on Wheels serving Richmond, Va.

We are proud to donate distribution space Meals on Wheels Feedmore. They are currently running 12 routes serving an average of 15 meals per route, that’s 900 meals per week right here in Richmond, Va.

Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Meal on Wheels distribution space
Author Taylor Moore III
Date March 1, 2011

MT. Vernon

We will be delivering Reclaimed Antique Heart Pine materials to George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Estate tomorrow to rebuild slave quarters and gates.

This is just one of many Historical treasures that E.T. Moore supplies premium materials.

This will not be part of any “stimulus package” as they did it the old fashion way; they EARNED it.

Author Taylor Moore III
Date September 22, 2010

New Housing start for E. T. Moore Homes LLC

We are breaking ground in Viniterra. We are excited to be a part of this great project. Our new home for sale on lot 88, will be custom created by E. T. Moore Manufacturing, Inc., from the footers to the roof shingles. We plan to use a combination of Antique Heart Pine, Reclaimed chestnut, Chinese Elm and other rare woods for Flooring, Beams and millwork. Old growth sinker cypress and live edge Juniper for siding and exterior trim framing the antique brickwork. Please check for progress on this magnificent home.

Viniterra Blog

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 27, 2010

New Kent Winery in National Magazine Traditional Building

We are proud of the New Kent Winery being published in the national magazine Traditional Building. See how our construction and manufacturing company’s team up to build this green building out of reclaimed materials

Author Taylor Moore III
Date August 24, 2010